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Bhupendra Ghimire VIN sponsors children to attend school from the most marginalized communities, especially victims of the armed conflict, orphans, disabled children and girls. Our aim is to support over 150 children by December 2007 at an annual cost of $230 USD. Please help us achieve this goal.

Make a Cash Donation

VIN gladly accepts the smallest of donations. These figures are here to give you an idea of where the money will be going. Thank you in advance.

Sponsor stationary for a child for only $35

Sponsor total cost of a child for a year $230
Sponsor teaching/learning materials for one entire class for $115
Sponsor a training course (for week) for teachers $325
Sponsor a women group Income Generative training for $ 375
Sponsor a local volunteer's subsistence allowance $65 per month.
Sponsor a Children's club at an annual cost of $235

Send us books, papers (any stationary materials), clothes etc to the following address:

Volunteers Initiative Nepal (VIN)
Post Box No- 19877
Balaju, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: +977-16910-421 / +977-98510-70477 (mobile)

Bhupendra Ghimire

Teach English to Buddhist Monks program has been designed for volunteers, especially those interested in Buddhists' Culture. VIN can provide longer and shorter periods upon request of the volunteers. Volunteers will teach English to the monks, both young and adults, for around two to three hours per day. In turn, the monks will share their knowledge and culture they have gained with the volunteers. Daily meditation practice, as well as fieldtrips to Hindu and Buddhist holy sites, will be included.

Before volunteers leave for the site, they will be given intensive language classes and teacher training everyday. The volunteers can choose between Nepali and the language of the monastery-Sherpa, Lama, etc. The monks are able to speak both languages; it is therefore really a matter of the volunteer's preference. However, most overseas people find Nepali easier to learn. During their language and cultural classes, the volunteers will be taken to the holy sites around the Kathmandu Valley. After two weeks, they will be placed in the host family near to the monastery.

Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, is an incredibly peaceful area in the south of Nepal and home to both Theravada and Tibetan monasteries. If the volunteers are interested to pilgrimage to Lumbini, the trip can be arranged by the organization. The volunteers can highly be benefited through this program since they can enrich their language and culture and can widen their knowledge horizon. Are you interested to be a part of Buddhists' culture? Then, let's join hands with VIN.

Other available programmes:
Teacher Development
Teaching in Schools
Volunteer for Child and Youth Development
Vocational Education
Child Sponsorship and Scholarship
Language and Culture
Health and Sanitation
Constructions and Other materials Support
Environment and Community Education
Teaching Computer Science
Orphanages and Rehabilitation
Cultural Exchange & Homestay Program
Non-formal Schooling Programme (FSP)

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