Someday I hope that our family will be able to attend the Cambodian Heritage Camp - I've heard great things about it. It isn't in the cards this year, but maybe next year.
Here's the description:
Cambodian Heritage Camp is a family camp where campers from age 3 to 18, plus their parents participate in classes, workshops and family-oriented special events presented by Cambodian Americans, adult adoptees, professionals in the field of adoption, and the campers themselves, all of whom enthusiastically share their perspectives and expertise with adoptive families. More than 30 Cambodian American young adults serve as counselors, acting as warm and caring role models and mentors to the children as they participate with them in cultural classes. Adult family members attend cultural and adoption-related workshops ranging from Cambodian cooking to the blessings and challenges inherent in our adoptive families. Founded and run by adoptive parent volunteers, CamHC is one of ten camps facilitated by the highly respected Colorado Heritage Camps organization, which has been running heritage camps for adoptive families for 15 years.