Chris Lydon's Open Source radio show is planning a show about the . There is a discussion board and if you want to add your thoughts about the Cambodian Blogosphere, check it out. Here's the framing:
Technorati Tags: cambodiaWe’ve been told there’s an emerging blogoshpere in Cambodia. We’re less interested in the, “hey! digital media technology is spreading to the Third World!” factor, and more interested in the notion that Cambodians are using online writing as a way of dealing with their painful, not often discussed past. Their blogs are recording personal and collective memory, sorting through the country’s history of brutal repression under Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, and talking openly about wounds that have never really healed.
If you’re a Cambodian blogger, we’d love to hear from you. If you’re a Cambodian living here in the US, we’d love to hear from you as well. What are your observations on the way your country has changed in past decades? Is this generation bringing a new or different kind of awareness to the history of South East Asia?
Can't say I've seen a lot of talking about the Khmer Rouge on weblogs. Almost nothing.
Just once I would like to see a Cambodian news story exploring America's coming to terms with its brutal past, and healing its wounds.
Posted by: Jinja | August 12, 2005 at 09:27 AM