Just posted my interview with Hok Kakada on GV. I continue to marvel at the artistry of the translation effort, particularly finding culturally appropriate words and metaphors. Like using Mekhala for Firefox Browser and replacing the logo.
I was reading Tharum's post on KhmerOS project and he mentions the Cambodian name for OpenOffice is Sleuk Rith. I asked what it meant, and in the comments, Patra gave me answer:
Khmer's "sleuk rith" is to the Egyptian's "papyrus". Before 'paper' was introduced to Cambodia, us khmers used 'sleuk rith' to document everything from religious text in (Khmer, sanskrit and pali) to any historical and everyday events. As far as what exactly is sleuk rith is, well, "sleuk" is "leaf" in khmer. And I think "rith' is a type of palm tree similar to the sugar palms that make up the picturesque landscape of Cambodia. So "sleuk rith" is the palm leave that we used as our stationary. Tharum may know more about "sleuk rith' please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong.
Are there image of "sleuk rith" carved into the murals on Angkor Watt? Are there any photos or illustrations or contextual information about this on the Web? (I'm scheming to integrate Khmer culture in my son's computer class someday ...)
This is the screen for Moyura or the email program being customized. I think the software is originally called Thunderbird. So is the peakcock a thunderbird? I think of the peacock dance I've seen at the Lowell Water Festival, but why is the image for the email program?
I read this article and found the phrase 'OpenOffice is Sleuk Rith' is not the correct name.
Actually, OpenOffice is an open source complete suite of office applications. It's a cross platform software (i.e it can be run on more Operating Systems). OpenOffice includes OpenOffice.org Writer which so-called Sleuk Rith, OpenOffice.org Calc, OpenOffice.org base, OpenOffice.org Impress, OpenOffice.org Draw, OpenOffice.org Math.
We are now on the way of finding a meaningful name in Khmer for others.
Should you have any comments on these applications' name, Please list them here. Don't be shy :):)
Posted by: kakada | November 08, 2005 at 03:21 AM