I'm presenting on a panel about ccreencasting at the NTC on April 5th at 1:30 PM. In preparation for the panel, I'm pulling together a wikitation on screencasting. Here's the primer:
This primer is an introduction to screencasting. It covers the what,
why, and how to get started. You will also find examples of screencasts
and additional how-to resources.
What is a Screencast?
A screencast captures what is displayed on a computer screen
accompanied by commmentary from someone explaining what is happening on
the screen as it unfolds. Screencasts can be done in a range of styles,
from the very formal narrated powerpoint presentation to a more
informal software coaching.
Screencasts can be used in the following ways:
- as standalone tutorials, software demos, or orientation
- to clarify complex technical concepts
- to capture organizational knowledge about critical procedures or to convey expert tacit knowledge
- for beta testing a web site or software interface
Although having some video editing skills and knowing how to clearly
communicate your ideas will vastly improve the quality of your work,
you don't have to be a Hollywood filmmaker to create a decent
screencast. This particularly holds true if your intention is to use
the screencasts for in-house training, software beta testing, or rapid
knowledge capture.
There are several reasons why screencasts can be a powerful form of
instructional media. The software makes it easy to capture what is
taking place on the screen. You simply click a record button and show
the exact mouse clicks needed to do a task. It also allows you to add
audio narration to your powerpoint presentation or, integrate real-life
video, photos, and music. Additionally, screencasts can be distributed
via blog posts, RSS feeds, tags, and social media video hosts
like OurMedia or blip.tv. That means screencasting can be a relatively
low-cost and highly effective medium for sharing training and how-to
Some of the best screencasts are folksy, intimate experiences almost as
if you were sitting shoulder-to-shoulder next to a friend who was
sharing their expertise. Since screencasts often contain impromptu
discoveries by the narrator or even small mistakes they can accomplish
desired results better than glitzy packaged instructional videos.
Screencasts project a image of transparency, trust, and authenticity.
Why are Screencasts Useful?
If you provide end-user technical support, no doubt you've had the
experience of being asked how to do a particular software task over and
over again by different people in your organization. Further, you've
probably discovered that not every individual responds well to text or
verbal instructions, particularly visual learners. What if you could
answer one of those requests with a pointer to a brief screencast
showing and describing the procedure, accompanied by your text notes
for later reference?
Furthermore, screencasts are useful because:
- A screencast can make the content more engaging and interactive than written instructions and static photos or illustrations.
- The
relative ease of use and lower cost tools can help people share
information about a software tool or web service in an intuitive and
effective way.
- Screencasts can easily be published and
distributed via blogs, tags, video hosting services and social media
services which gives them greater social relevance in a connected web
and opens the door for collaboration.
- The screencasting medium can communicate what otherwise cannot be explained easily, if at all.
- Screencasts
(good ones) are an effective way to teach someone else how to use a
piece of software or a web service because the use of audio, text, and
video appeals to different learning styles.
A Quick Tour: Different Genres of Screencasting
In this next section, I take you on a quick tour of different screencasts organized by genre.
Software Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials
A screencast that demonstrates how to use a software application or web service is the most common use of screencasting. Having the screencast available on the Web 24/7 can help save time and provide "just in time" access. It is best to think in terms of tips and tricks versus comprehensive training, although you can certainly create a series of brief screencasts under a single theme or the video version of a "Ten Best Tips" article. While valuable, comprehensive tutorials can be very
resource intensive to deliver. If your audience consists of beginners, it may be necessary to include detailed step-by-step instructional materials or additoinal resources. As you create your screencast, think about what is the most important information that viewers need to see on the video versus what can be communicated via text and screencaptures (here and here) You can find a few good examples of software tips and training screencasts here
Web or Project Orientations and Software Demonstrations.
A screencast can be an engaging way to introduce visitors to your organization's web site or project.
Notice in the first example how the audio is describing what is on the
page and gives the feeling of a screencast. Many software vendors are
using screencasts as a multi-media sales brochure to introduce software features and functions, making it an efficient way for potential buyers to evaluate whether or not they want to test the software further. Here's an exellent screencast by Patrick Fitzgerald showing the features in Camtasia software from Techsmith.
Deliver Your PowerPoint Presentations As Multi-Media
There are a number of ways that you can share your powerpoint
presentations with colleagues via the Web. For example, in flickr as a flash side show or set.
There are also free web-based slide sharing services where you can
easily upload a powerpoint and share it as a flash file, take for
example this service. However, there is one thing that these presentations lack: audio. Screencasting can be a simple way to add audio to your powerpoint presentations.
And it doesn't have to be after the fact or for documentation purposes, either. This screencast of a keynote powerpoint presentation was released prior to the conference so the presenter could get audience feedback. This screencast, on Identity 2.0, was captured with a video camera at a live conference.
Concept Screencast
Screencasts can be the perfect medium to explain difficult, if not
impossible, technical concepts to non-technical people. While the end
product may look simple, to create and produce a screencast like this
may take a fair amount of time thinking and storyboarding your topic so
you can explain it a clear, but interesting way. The Machine Is Us/ing Us describes Web2.0 concepts in less than 5 minutes. I took this approach in my screencast about Tagging.
Knowledge Capture
Whether you are doing a screencast of frequently asked for procedures or documenting the work flow of an entire project,
screencasts can be an excellent addition to your organization's
knowledge capture toolbox. Some people have dubbed it "Rich Media
Documentation." The important thing to think about is what content is most appropriate to present on video
While this genre of screencasts may only have an internal audience and
somewhat lower production values (or not depending on your skill
levels), rich media documentation helps preserve organizational memory.
Another interesting form of knowledge capture is a screencast that
captures tacit or expert knowledge about a process related to using a
software tool. Take for example, Jon Udell's How To Edit an Audio Podcast and the Tagging Feature in the Visita Photo Gallery .
Beta Testing A Web Site or Software Interface
Some open source software advocates
are championing the idea of remote usability testing. Screencasting
tools can provide a method for remote beta testers to participate by
simply hitting the record button and narrating as they test the
software. I recently tested this approach as a beta tester for Social Source Commons.
Getting Started: Two Metaphors
If you are new to using multi-media tools like video and audio
software, expect a learning curve. But don't worry, it isn't an
insurmountable task to master the software. What is somewhat more
difficult is learning what makes for good production values
and while they are important, it is also depends on who your audience
is and the context. Are you creating screencasts to be used internally
or to support or sell a product or to accompany a professional level
training seminar? Whatever your situation, you need to think like a
Hollywood filmmaker and give yourself to permission to approach the
task as if you were taking some home videos to document an important
activity. A combination of the two approaches works best to produce
good quality screencasts that aren't resource intensive to create and
The process
Content, Script, and Storyboard
Planning your content begins with an understanding of your audience.
What do they already know about the topic? What are you trying to teach
them? This will help you figure out what you do and do not have to say
and how specific you need to be. It also important to keep in mind some
basic principles of educational multimedia as articulated by Richard E. Mayer's seminal research work. Three very important principles to understand as you develop your script and storyboard:
- People learn better when information is presented in bit-sized chunks
- People learn better when information is presented using clear outlines and headings
- People learn better when information is presented in a conversational style rather than a formal one
Even though you are making a movie of your computer screen, remember
you're still telling a story. Screencasts that focus solely on the
step-by-step procedures or consist of powerpoint bullet points with
audio can be deadly boring. I highly recommend reading Andy Goodman's "When Bad Presentations Happen To Good People"
and while he is talking about powerpoint presentations in particular,
most of his storytelling advice can be applied to screencasting.
Some people find that writing a script or at least bullet points can
help them focus the presentation and makes it easier to organize for
the production. If you are narrating your screencast and you are
comfortable improvising from bullet points in a clear and concise way
than you may not need to write out word-for-word exactly what you plan
to say. Others find that having a script helps them keep on track and
makes sychronizing the video with the narration much easier.
Storyboards are a rough sketch of how you will present the topic.
Storyboarding helps you organize the source material and ensures that
you cover what you need to cover. There are different techniques for
storyboarding. Some people use templates (see here and here), while others use moleskin notebooks
Finally, having a script and storyboard can be useful if you are
preparing a screencast for a third party or others have to sign off on
the content.
Your screencast may include different source material such as video
screen captures, real life video, photos, music, titles, and the
recorded narrative. If you are planning to show certain steps or
procedures involved with using a particular software program, you need
to plan out each scene carefully. If your screencast is say five
minutes, this can add up to a lot of individual pieces. Your production
process will be far more efficient is you are organized. One simple
method is to think like a filmmaker and plot out your screencast in
acts and scene. For each scene, note what narrative, images, video, or
titles will be needed. It also makes a lot of sense to organize your
digital material on your computer in folders and file names that
correspond with each act/scene. Finally, if you are using creative
commons licensed materials, make sure you note the correct attribution
so you can add this information to the credits. Based on my storyboard,
I usually created a production punch list organized by scene.
Shooting Your Screencast
At this point, you read to start filming. I generally use a two-step
process. First, with my script in hand, I capture the video sections
only while practicing my narration. Next, I record the narration
carefully synching it with the video. It takes a little practice,
however, I made fewer mistakes when I wasn't trying to capture and
narrate at the same time. For more informal screencasts, such as beta
testing for example, I've just hit the record button and did both the
video and audio simultaneously, narrating off bullet points. If you're
screen recording Internet applications that are taking a lot of time
load, be sure not narrate over those sections so you can easily cut out
the wait time in the editing process. But beware, it is more difficult
to edit if you do both video and audio at once.
Although you can capture your entire screen, you definitely don't want
to. Even with the best compression, your files pretty big in no time.
Extra screen real estate is wasted space and costly overhead. I
generally capture a window at 800x600 with the same playback size or
640x480 depending on my file size and time limitations (larger files
take longer to render). Screencasts are xerox copies of your screen
activity. So make sure you are capturing the action "on camera." You
may also need to use the zoom or pan to maintain focus or so menu
details do not get lost. Be sure to factor in the player's scrollbars
and buttons. Finally, be aware of what your mouse is doing on the
screen and isn't moving around needlessly.
As you set up your software screens for shooting, only capture the
section of the screen that is necessary. You may want not need the
title bar, toolbars, status bar or scroll bars in your browser, for
example. In general, what doesn't clearly tell the story should be cut.
The Tools
In order to make a screencast, you will need video capture and editing
software and a microphone. While there are a number of free and open
source video capture and editing programs available for both PC and
MAC, using them requires a fair amount of technical skill and comfort
with video editing interfaces. Also, the lesser expensive options mean
that you may be using two different programs, one for capture and the
other editing. Therefore, you will need to learn something about file
formats, size, and aspect ratio to properly export and import from one
program into the other with acceptable results. If you're new to
multi-media creation, you may want to consider one of the commerical
screencasting packages that combines capture and editing into one piece
of software simply for the ease of use, documentation, and technical
support options. (It will, however, cost you more money.)
It is beyond the scope of the primer to do a detailed comparison of
software tools. However, I have provided several good listings of
screencasting software, some include reviews. Since good sound is an
extremely important production value, it may be worth investing in a
good USB microphone (about $50-70), although you can certainly begin
with using an inexpensive mic and upgrade later.
I started off using the free video editing software that came with my PC and Camstudio and a $10 microphone. Later, as my skills improved I invested in Camtasia (approximately $300) which is considered the gold standard for screencasting and a decent USB microphone. Other PC users have told me they use SnagIt ($40) which captures screen and audio and an entry level video editing programs like Adobe Preimere Elements or Sony Vegas which retail for approximately $100. Many people who work on the MAC platform use Snapz for screen capture and pull it into Final Cut Pro for editing.
Your editing process will differ depending on your choice of tools no
doubt. Since I use Camtasia, I tend to do a rough edit as I shoot the
movie. So, when I'm finished "shooting," I have a first draft complete.
Next, I watch my screencast taking notes on places that require a close
up, captions, titles, transitions, or where the audio isn't quite
synchronized with the video. I also listen carefully for places in the
audio where I may have lapsed into too many hmms and cut them out. This
part of the editing process can be tedious, but polishing your work can
improve the production values. If you're a perfectionist, be careful
this part of the process can be really time consuming if you get too
obssessed with creating the perfect screencast. I'm learning to let
certain things go.
Final Production
It is beyond the scope of this primer to provide a detail dissertation about video file compression. In the book "The Secrets of Video Blogging," there is a chapter on file formats and compression settings for both PC and MAC. I used these recipes with good results. You can also view a screencast of this information at FreeVlog. If you decide to invest in Camtasia, I suggest Daniel Park's Definitive Guide If you are using Camtasia, it has several production wizards
that walk you through the trade-offs of video and audio quality versus
file size and format. It asks you a series of questions about your
source material, file size requirements, and video/audio quality to
help you pick the right file format and screen size. In other words,
you don't need to be an expert in compression formulas.
When you are ready to "produce" the screencast, also called
"rendering," be aware that the longer your screencast and the higher
quality file, the longer it can take to render. Some of my screencasts
have taken an hour to render and that can tie up your computer in terms
of getting other work done.
There are many options for hosting your screencasts, including free services like blip.tv and fee-based video hosting services such as screencast.com.
These services differ as to file size (for example many of the free
services are limited 100MB file size), video file format (for example
some services do not accept flash movie files), and rights ownership.
So, finding the right host or combination of hosts depends on the specs
of your screencasts. Some things to consider:
- Is it fast and easy?
- Can upload in several formats?
- Can you easily manage the descriptions and metadata?
- Size of the embedded screen
- Image and audio quality
- Download and sharing options
- Monetization
Your final task is distribution of your screencast. Will you be sharing
your screencasts on a blog or web site or via video host channel? Will
they be distributed internally and or offline on DVD? If you plan to
incorporate screencasts into your blog you need to make sure that your
RSS feed has multimedia enclosures. You can view a screencast on how to
set that up at freevlog.org
Resource List
Basic Introduction
What is Screencasting
by Jon Udell (12/05)
Good primer and introduction based on Camtasia
Why Storyboard Your Screencast?
by Betsy Weber, 11/06
Tells you why storyboarding is important and some tips for doing it
Why Bad Presentations Happen To Good Causes
by Andy Goodman
While the advice is for powerpoint presentations, much of it also applies to screencasting.
How To Use A Moleskin for Your Storyboard
A video showing how a moleskin can be used for a storyboard
Do you need detailed step-by-step instructions to accompany your screencast?
by Leigh Blackall, 11/06
If you are creating a screencast for newbies, than you might need to
create supplementary materaisl. This blog post describes a tool and
Current TV: Storytelling Tutorial
While it describes video storytelling from a journalistic perpsective, many of concepts apply to good screencasting.
Screencast Production and Editing Techniques
Screencasting Strategies
by Jon Udell (06/05)
Describes his process for writing a script, thinking in scenes, and narrations
Heavy Metal Umlaut: The Making of the Movie
by Jon Udell (02/05)
Describes his production process using Camtasia
Some Easy Ways to Get Started: Record PowerPoint
TechSmith Blog, 12/06
Describes an easy method to get started
Screencasting Tips and Tricks
Ten Useful Tips for the Production and Editing Process
The site also has lots of resources not found elsewhere
The Fundamentals of Screen Recording (from TechSmith)
While focused on Camtasia, contains useful tips, techniques, and definitions of file size, compression, and streaming media.
Screencasting Tools
Screencasting Studios/Suits
Camtasia (most people use about $300)
(review here) (free online tutorials here and here)
Captivate (very expensive)
CamStudio (PC) (OS)
Wink (PC) (OS)
Adobe Preimere Elements
Sony Vegas
Snapz (Screen capture)
Final Cut Pro (video editing)
A roundup of screencapture tools for the Mac
More recommendations and reviews
NGO-In-A-Box: Capture, Editing and Post Production Tools (Mac tools)
VoxMedia Screencast Tools List
Definitive List of Screencasting Tools
Comparison of 3 Key Tools
A good USB microphone
More about microphones from David Berlind
Video Hosting
Robin Good's Where to Share Your Video Clips Online
Screencasting: Online Video Sharing Hosting Sites Compared Part 1
Screencasting: Online Video Sharing Hosting Sites Compared Part 2
DVGuru - Ten Video Sharing Services Compared
My complete collection of screencasts and instructional media is here.