[Via Will Coley ...My *funny* video is a finalist in this contest (#3) and I'd love to get more folks to see it and the other entries. The deadline for voting is March 31. Thanks for your great work! ]
The Movement Vision Lab Video Contest — Cast Your Vote!
The Movement Vision Lab received a dozen entries in their first ever video contest. And now it's your turn to weigh in and tell them which ones you like most, as they decide which to award the $1000 prize to.
The Movement Vision Lab staff has winnowed down the entries to their top five. Check them out below --- and log-in to the Movement Vision Lab and post a comment on this page saying which video you like most and why. OR you can vote directly on the You Tube pages via the links. The comment period will last two weeks, and then they'll announce the winner! So tell them what you think today!
Remember, the contest is about Immigration and Community Values. Vote for the video that you think best tells America that, immigrants and citizens alike, we're all in it together!
So, without further ado, the finalists (in no particular order) CLICK HERE: http://www.movementvisionlab
.org/blog/your-votes-community -values-immigration-video -contest