For this week's bloggerview, we caught up with Michael Gilbert, who writes the Nonprofit Online News, which is not only the oldest
nonprofit-oriented blog, but one of the oldest blogs altogether. Michael shared some insights into his writing discipline and practice, content filtering approaches, and observations of blogging by and about nonprofits.
Q: When did you start publishing? Why? How did you get started?
Nonprofit Online News is
tied with Scripting News (Dave Winer's blog) as the oldest weblog still
being published, period. As you probably know, Dave has been in the
center of the blogging revolution, whereas I am over here in the
nonprofit sector, so the histories of blogging never mention Nonprofit
Online News. So yes, I have been blogging since before the term was
I think of the origin of
Nonprofit Online News as one of those sweet Internet accidents,
something that always reminds me that networks are infrastructures of
natural abundance. Let me explain by telling
the story of how it got
During 1995 and 1996 I
found myself in the position of being the person best informed about
the Internet in my professional nonprofit circles. The growth of the
web and mailing lists was explosive and I
was very interested in
remaining well informed. So I developed some information consumption
tools and habits that would scale well with the rapidly increasing
volume of new material coming my way everyday. On the side, by
personal email I was sharing interesting links, articles, and
conversations with people who I thought might be interested.
Then someone (I really
don't remember who) suggested that I go ahead and publish those
interesting bits on the web. I was already very interested in automation
at this point and built a small content management system for the
purpose of publishing those bits. (Yes, I think this was well before
the term Content Management was around as well.) And then, in April
1997, I became a blogger.
The reason I think this is
a classic Internet story is that 90% of the ongoing cost of
publishing that blog is my own cost of staying informed and reflecting on
what I learn. That was a cost I was already paying and would
always be willing to pay. As I see it, staying informed and
reflection are part of my job. The incremental cost of sharing the
results with anyone with a browser is very small.
If I had had to publish by
paper this would never have happened.
Since Online Nonprofit News was the first
to populate the "nonprofit blogging space" -- what changes have you
seen over the last few years in 501c3 blogland?
I will admit that I
continue to be baffled by how long it's taken to catch on. In 1998, I was
teaching web strategy workshops in which I described a number of
strategies for failure on the web. The main correction that I offered
was for nonprofits to adopt a news page format, with reverse
chronological entries linking to deeper content on site and elsewhere
online. So, I guess the only change I have seen
in the last few years is
that some people are paying attention to it.
In my communication
workshops, I still find that nearly every nonprofit organization is
rather afraid of the idea of blogging. It's threatening to them to
have their staff blogging, it's too much work to have their leaders
blogging, and it seems irrelevant to have their stakeholders blogging.
Obviously, I support all three of these blogging strategies and I
think that together they represent a resurgence of a community
based form of organizing, whether in support of social service
or social change. But I think the vast majority of the sector
isn't there yet.
The people who are paying
attention are the techies. That does represent an important
change. A few years ago at conferences I started asking my
colleagues in the nonprofit technology field if they had a weblog. I guess
I thought it was time, but people looked at me strangely, so I
stopped asking. Sometime in the year or two after that, they started
blogging. This is really rewarding for me personally, because among
this wave of bloggers are people like yourself who take a
systems perspective to nonprofit technology. The online conversations that
are starting around those issues are very exciting.
Let me share with you what
I hope will happen in the coming years and how blogging fits in. I
believe that the nonprofit sector is too professionalized, too
specialized, and too atomized. This stifles both innovation and
movement building. The contemporary organization is the wrong model for
civil society, the corporate structure in particular is
dysfunctional, and human beings fit more naturally and are more empowered in
communities, movements, and networks.
I see blogging as both
metaphor for a different kind of sector and one of the means to
achieve it. Other pieces of that transformation include the work by
grantmakers to reduce the role of programmatic silos of funding and the
growing emphasis on collaboration, both between grantmakers and
between grantees. Blogging can help to break down some of the barriers
that are preventing projects from scaling and individuals from being
as successful as they might be if the full power of connectivity were
Q: You have an impressive record of regularly
postings, was there ever a time when you stopped posting (outside of vacation)? Why? What keeps you motivated?
I'm coming up on 6000
posts at this point, so I suspect it's a little hard to tell where I might
have slowed down, but there have been times when I did. In fact,
there are entire months with less than half a dozen entries. The
biggest reason for those slow spells was a sense of disconnection. I
will elaborate on that.
My blogging is deeply
connected to every other aspect of my work.
Most importantly, it
remains a tool for staying informed and for reflection. It hones my
thinking. It feeds into a variety of publications that I offer,
some for free and some for sale. It builds connections with clients
and collaborators. It serves as a public test bed for new ideas, at
least among those people who listen to me.
So to answer your
question, when these connections have been weakest, that's when my blogging
has flagged. Sometimes it's happened because of poor planning on my
part, such as when I have embarked on new ventures that don't
leverage Nonprofit Online News. There were periods during my Social
Ecology years like that. And I'm sure it will happen again, since
my reach constantly exceeds my grasp.
Sometimes I have felt
disconnected when I have not found the support that I had expected for
new ideas. I go through cycles with that, where I am disheartened
and a little alienated. I think we all deal with that from time to
So obviously, it's the
sense of connection that keeps me motivated. I experience that connection
most when I see that my work has been of value to others, when I
see them applying it in their own work, and when people let me know
that I have been relevant.
Q: Approximately, how
many sources do you read regularly?
Your question, about
how may sources I read, gets at the heart of Nonprofit Online News
and my own information consumption patterns. In other words, it could
be a long answer and probably will be in a future article of mine.
The short version is this:
One subsystem or another
of my network pulls in about 50,000 messages a week. A message can
derive from any of the following: an updated web site, a newsletter, a
mailing list, an RSS item, a recommendation form, some personal email,
newsgroups, and web based discussion groups. At any given time
there are several thousand distinct sources or channels. The messages
work their way through a series of filters.
These filters are shaped
by my habits, such as what I read, what I post or forward, what I
bookmark, along with some collective recommendation systems and
a neat genetic algorithm of mine. In the end, I find that I
personally skim about 400 to 2000 messages a week.
I would love to find a way
to share this toolset and in fact I have talked to Jon Stahl about the idea. But I haven't followed through. I think perhaps the Social
Ecology experience has made me cautious about tool promotion. I
mean, RMS is still the most advanced relationship management
platform out there, but that didn't make the company successful. And I
know I would have to raise money for such a project and I'm weary of
trying to convince funders of anything.
Q: When you say "a neat genetic algorithm of mine," do you mean your brain cells or an actual mathematical or AI formula?
It's an evolving set of interconnected formulae for helping deliver news and information to me based upon a wide variety of factors including my past reading and posting behavior, along with some
provision for "mutation" and randomness.
Actually, Jon Stahl was very excited about this too. One of these days I need to find the resources to document this in a way that might be useful to other people.
(I wonder if it is something like I heard on NPR the other day?)
Q: I read your article about writing a book
in a year
and found it very inspiring. You recommend two things for personal
accountability: maintaining a log book or journal of your writing
discipline and a weekly process
of reflection and decision making. Do you think blogging might serve
this function?
I'm glad you liked the
article. I would be very interested in your critical feedback. I'm
developing a model for taking the ideas in there to scale, in the
form of online workshops and online support groups. If you have any
thoughts on the subject, I would love to hear them.
That raises a question:
Are you working on a book? (BK: No, I'm not working on book, but thinking about it)
Yes, I absolutely think
blogging can and often does play a role in supporting people's larger
writing projects. There are lots of examples out there, but I
like the specific question that you raise about writing discipline
and blogging. Blogs can be a great journaling tool. They
could easily be automated to track progress of various kinds, especially
word counts. And when they are opened up to other readers, they become
a tool for group accountability and reflection. I fully
believe that there will be a blogging component to the online version of
Q: The blog, To-Done, has a great set of tips
for being productive in daily writing.Do you have anything to add this?
That's an awesome list.
The main thing I would add is just this:
Find every way you can to
integrate and relate your blogging to your other work and to other
people with whom you are or want to be connected. Derive blog
entries from other things you are reading, writing, or thinking
about. Derive other work from your blog entries. Write for other people's
blogs and have them write for yours. Collaborate. Find other
ways to connect with your readers. Make your blog relevant to the
people who are relevant to you.
I'm looking at the advice
I just offered and realized that this theme of integration and
connection permeates my work. But it's perpetually relevant. I think we
actually put a lot of effort into isolating activities from each
other, thinking that we make something more important by doing so, by
setting it apart. While this is sometimes true, most often isolated
activities (and this includes nonprofit programs and
organizations) are not sustainable. As E.M. Forster said: "Only
connect.... Live in fragments no longer."
Many "blogs" have a comments or
trackbacks section. I know that you started to blog before "blog"
software with these features was around. So, how do you integrate
reader feedback into your publishing
I get an enormous amount
of reader feedback, largely as a result of most people reading
Nonprofit Online News through one of two different email editions.
I also receive recommended news items and other feedback through a
form on the site. Some of that feedback I respond to personally.
Some result in corrections. Some result in followup news items. All
of them are kept as part of our resource database.
I have mixed opinions
about comments or trackback. They are both spam magnets and I have enough
trouble dealing with email spam as it is. Of the two, I think I have
a greater interest in trackback, but I
don't see the full payoff
yet. From time to time, I do consider the value of connecting my
readers with each other, which is where comments might play a
role. But I think there are probably other models worth pursuing.
Have you seen some really
compelling outcomes of comments and trackbacks?
from BK: As a writer, I like the fact that comments and trackbacks
can connect you to readers and more bits of information that you
might not otherwise come across. Recently, I commented on a Alexandra
Samuel's blog who writing on tagging and social bookmarking I read
regularly and it started an extended conversation
that really deepen my own understanding of social bookmarking. This
wouldn't have happened from just reading her and I don't know if I'd
ever had a chance to meet her face-to-face ....)
What do you see as the key benefit of
"blogging" for a nonprofit organization? What about using social
applications - specifically social bookmarking tools? What are the
key barriers to the above?
There are a great many
different possible models for nonprofit blogging. Right now, I
think the highest payback for individual nonprofits is to use the
blog model as either the main or the most important organizing
paradigm for their web sites. But for some time now, I have been
advocating that nonprofits work to release authentic s in their
organizations by supporting individual blogging, starting with the
leadership. Authentic s of that nature will open all sorts of
possibilities for organizations who want to
mobilize and engage
people, whether donors or activists or volunteers. But the long
term implications are a more network centric nonprofit sector, rather
than the organization centric system we have now. It's pretty
threatening on a lot of levels.
As for social bookmarking,
it's a great first step in the direction of emergent taxonomies. My
main concern with social bookmarking right now is that there is
really only one player -- -- and I don't like a collective
resource like that being in private hands. I would be interested in
social networking tools in support of communities of practice
and in peer to peer approaches.
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