Monday, January 11th is my 53rd Birthday! This year I'm indulging in three of my passions: raising money with social media, teaching a social media nonprofit strategy class, and eating chocolate. I hope you'll join the fun. After all, what's more fun than a birthday party?
In Roteang Village, where the Sharing Foundation has programs that help over 1,500 children each and every day, there is a annual birthday bash at the orphanage for the 70 plus children. The Sharing Foundation hosts an annual, for-everybody-at-once Birthday party, with cake, fruit, and soda. This year the girls each received a handmade doll by two women from a nursing home in Massachusetts and the boys got matchbox cards donated by a local Cub Scout Troop, along with handmade birthday cards.
January 11th is my birthday and this year, as I have done for the past 9 years, I'm asking my friends and family to donate to the Sharing Foundation in my honor. (If you want to know more about why my family and I care about the children of Cambodia and this charity, take a minute to watch this video my son, Harry made.)
The Sharing Foundation was founded by Dr. Nancy Hendrie, a retired pediatrician, who has inspired me with her dedication. Her motto: "You're never to old to get involved in helping people." I've been to Cambodia and seen the work first-hand, and know that a small amount of work and money can change the world for these children.
Many children in Cambodia do not go to school because their families lack the $10 for a uniform, required for school attendance. And even though $10 may seem like nothing to us, it can make a world of difference for a Cambodian child. We have hundreds of kids who need uniforms - so let's help as many as we can.
Make my birthday wish on Facebook come true! Donate $10 or $53 and help Cambodian children.
And don't forget to wish me happy birthday on Twitter too!
Happy birthday #beth53! Let's send Cambodian kids to school:
Wrap Up
Donors: Thank you for making a difference in the lives of Cambodian children
Cathryn Hrudicka
Stacey Beatrice Lucy Monk
Brian Reich
Elke Sisco
Dan Michel
Stephen Sherlock
Scott Henderson
William McClellan III
Chris Noble
Anne Mai Bertelsen
Anne Quinn Ulseth
Wendy Harman
Amy Sample Ward
Michael Hoffman
Farra Trompeter
Stephanie McAuliffe
Sandy Lopacki
David Krumlauf
Spencer Brodsky
Sandra Sutton Andrews
Judith Sol-Dyess
Marianne Richmond
Mark Horvath
Catrina Joy Roallos
Korey Lee
Patti Anklam
Joyce Schneider
Samathida and Monothiya Kem
Norman Reiss
Jill Frank
Ray Nichols
Katya Andresen
Amy Jussel
Emma Latham
Bill Grey
Barbara Levy
Joe Baker
Shanon Des Roches
Dian Francesca
Jay Frost
Samantha Sakemiller
James Wu
Janet Fouts
Geoff Livingston
Jay Hall
David Neff
Sean Power
Adin Miller
Shara Karasic
Thomas Kelly
Ayelet Baron
Laura Clos
Danielle Brigida
JD Lasica
Carol Cone
Roger Carr
Tim Brauhn
Becky Trombley Domegan
Andy Sternberg
Kai Kronfield
Bill Snyder
Bora Vuth
Marie Deatherage
Heather Mansfield
Steve Bridger
Ted Fickes
Johanna Bates
Cheryl Contee
Eduardo Bejar
Marnie Webb
John Kenyon
Holly Ross
Tarrant Figlio
Avi Kaplan
Melinda Lewis
Kivi Leroux Miller
Babette Clavier
Clara Miller
Rachel Baker
Maggie Leithead
Lisa Truong
Allison Pollard
Jasmin Tragas
bruce keilin
Allison Fine
Tracy Tran
Carrie Fisher Kerpen
Leshell H,
Sean Power
Tre Serenity
Kathy Reich
Spencer Brodsky
Ehon Chan
Nathaniel Whittemore
Kari Dunn Saratovsky
Nick Booth
Christine Dattilo
John J Ellsworth
Tom Watson
Chad Norman
Allison Fine
Kyle Reis
Natasha Alleyne-Martin
Jennifer Reedy
James Young
Ed Schipul
Carina Cristiano Leoni
Michaela Hackner
Alyssa Gardina
Marion Conway
Hope OKeeffe
Paul J Lamb
Andy Smith
Christine D Egger
Jennifer Aaker
Jana Reid
Marc A. Pitman
Peter Deitz
Robin Reid
John Haydon
Miss C Rollinson
Jon Dunn
Thomas Gibbs
Kami Watson Huyse
Britt Bravo
Lucy Bernholz
Seth Rosen
Corey Pudhorodsky
Kerri Karvetski
Suzy Twohig Quinn
Rebecca Krause-Hardie
Devon Smith
Eric Schwartzman
Susan Gordon
Kavata Menon
Brad Lewis
Nelson Layag
Shiree Teng
Marc Pitman
Birthday Wish:
$4540 Raised
530 Goal
Sharing Foundation Cause
Start: $22,916
End: $27,456
Cause Members
Start: 1536
End: 1622
84 members recruited
New: 40%
Blog Posts:
66 bloggers wrote birthday posts
Amy Sample Ward wrote a case study on crowdsourcing a birthday party
Reflection Posts from PoST Class
Center for Social Innovation Blog Post
Joining The Twitter Revolution
Redefining Marketing and Meaning
Powerful Birthday Gifts
My Journal Reflections In Action
My Lesson Plan for PoST Class
The Art of Retweet
Real Time Network Weaving
Birthday Wishes from Cambodia
Detailed findings here
* Special thanks to Julio Vasconcellio and Kumar Garapaty for doing the heavy lifting on using the Twitter API to crunch these numbers
A few definitions:
- An “impression” is counted whenever a follower sees a tweet. So, if I have 10 followers and I tweet once, that’s 10 impressions. If I tweet 3 times, that’s 30 impressions.
- The “total followers reached” is a sum of all the followers of the people tweeting. It does not remove duplicates (so if I’m following two people that tweeted the hashtag I’d be counted twice). If I have 10 followers and I tweet once, that’s 10 followers. If I tweet 3 times, that’s still 10 followers.
What the HashTag
2047 (call to action, linked to the FB Causes Birthday Wish)