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Eugene Eric Kim

Thanks for this, Beth! One additional point I would call out (and one that you've been great about sharing) is that online tools are great for leaving trails. I think many people assume that we need to have the same kinds of deep conversations online as we do face-to-face, and I don't think that's the case. Trails show that networks are alive and active, which in itself is hugely valuable. They can also catalyze meaningful conversations. It doesn't matter so much where they happen, as long as they happen. If it happens in a shared, online space, great. If it doesn't, that's okay too.

Joitske hulsebosch

Great! I like going online with a face-to-face group because there is more space- one person talking doesn't inhibit the other to talk..

Myriam Balian

Thank you so much for that post. I'm doing my thesis about social medias and their impact for nonprofits and i can see that a lot of university researches unfortunately criticize the network theories for being utopian and technologicaly determinist. This isn't the point, it isn't about the tools at the end but how these tools can leverage effective collaboration online AND offline.


Loved this slideshare presentation. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Diksha sethi

that is some interesting information.

Steve Waddell

This is a great post. Number one, I really like the challenge to people who emphasize f2f so much...this is an older generation and cultural thing that will become less important as we integrate SM into our lives and as it becomes more sophisticated.
Number two, I really like the emphasis upon virtual planning a la wikipedia. I work with global networks, and have been urging this approach for a long time. It's about creating good, on-going conversations about the strategy and synthesizing them into action. As one famous planner commented that you can throw away the plan after it's written...its all about the process of the development and future focus that is critical.

jonny goldstein

Hey Beth,

Who did that whiteboard in the pic at the bottom of your post? I'd like to see more of her work.

Carolee Seaver

fine focus , hunt this from blogsearch after that good luck for you.just adjoin the rss feed to my reader,keep update!

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