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« Guest Post by Perla Ni: How Social Media Can Help Nonprofit Arts Organizations Reconnect With Supporters | Main | Nonprofits Should Consider SMS Fundraising With Eyes Wide Open »


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Fiona McLaren

Thanks for this post, there's some useful tips - as Amnesty UK's sole social media person and having gone through the process of writing and implementing strategy over the last year, we're just looking to broaden our horizons with the addition of a volunteer to help out with a lot of our 'listening' and blogger outreach.

I'm really hoping I can make this role fulfilling for them and hope to give them distinct projects they can really own - and hopefully do even better than we'd be able to. It'll definitely be interesting to see how 'finding the right person' goes, so perhaps I'll let you know once we've managed it!

Kira Marchenese

Beth, definitely some good thoughts. Here at EDF, we're also expanding our capacity by harnessing time and enthusiasm from all of our staff. As you know, we spend a ton of time doing internal training and coaching.

So while we only have me and Lauren dedicated not-quite-full-time to social media, we have a lot more voices than that representing EDF online. For example, take a look at all the EDF Twitterers: You'll see a mix of personal accounts of EDF staffers and "institutional" accounts representing programs or projects.

beth Rubin

Wow! Thank you for these great post Beth. I have been trying to get my NGO's blog together and It has been a long, hard process. Your tips have been such a huge help. I will be implementing your new ideas here in the near future.


Hi Beth! I attended the training on Monday and am so glad I did! Thank you for the super informative workshop. I look forward to keeping in touch and learning more from you.



Glad I came across this site re employing the power of social media to power cultural change. Just so happens this morning I'll be meeting with the director of a public TV station with just such and idea.

Melinda Lewis

I love posts on your 'process', since you do so much successful work with adult learners. Thank you for sharing! Since I teach social work students, who are all required as part of their higher education to do at least 16 hours/week in one social service setting (usually a nonprofit, but sometimes government and sometimes social enterprise) for an entire year, I've been thinking about how students' work with these organizations could include social media efforts, given that they're considerably more invested (and supported, by their school) than many students. I'd love examples from nonprofits that have found sustainable models for this.

Steve Waddell

I particularly like the workshop slide 20 that shows SM Tactics and actually resonates with development stages of networks that I wrote about in a recent blog...the relative importance of the tactics/tools seem to shift as a network develops. See the blog at

computer screen

Hello friend. How are you? on the information in your blog, this topic about Nonprofit Social Media Strategy Map Workshop In Silicon Valley, in specific, is extremely interesting and complete. It is very useful for university work I do today. Again I want to thank. Great work

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