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Thanks for this post, besides donating money it's great that technology can actually allow us to do something helpful in these situations. Working on matching photos with my teenage daughter.

Geoff Livingston

This is some pretty cool stuff. Mobile and nonprofit activism = the future! It's cool to see the dawn of this portable era. Thanks for the mention and the great post, Beth.

tresha thorsen

awesome food for thought beth and great ways to help...this is exactly what i needed today. hugs for furthering this info along.


Great post and thanks for introducing me to

I'm really glad that text-to-give was so useful. Even though it was a donation, I like to think that it was a great way for individuals to volunteer by texting their address books.

SMS is now seen as far more than a communication tool or sometimes a search tool.

One of the things I had the hardest time convincing nonprofits about text-to-give was of how simple it was. The challenge was that it was a new technology. Text-to-give has no reached a level of maturity, albeit there is still a good ways to go in various areas such as donation amount and payout turn around time.


Thanks for posting about all the Haiti work Beth - it has been a sleepless whirlwind. Amazing to see all of the np-tech folks come together and to put actionable solutions in the hands of volunteers and rescue workers on the ground.

Melinda Lewis

This is awesome, Beth--to be able to do more than give money, even from here; thank you for these connections and for being such a generous voice and for helping us less technically-savvy folks navigate all of this!

Hannah Tighe

Hi Beth,
I just wrote a very simple blog post about utilizing social media for the greater good, including helping Haiti. I would like to include a link to your blog post in mine for more detailed info on how people can help. Would you be up for that?

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