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Daniel Guth

The WaterAid ToiletFinder:

Jake Brewer

These are great, Beth. And I really like how easy it is to create your own out of your own blog. You just inspired me to create one for our blog too with AppMkr. Also a BIG fan of the Extraordinaries, and glad to see their cutting-edge work getting attention.

Another app to check out is actually one w just released it today at the Sunlight Foundation (and are pretty excited about). It's called "Real Time Congress" and the idea is (as its name implies) that you can get real-time information about what's going on in Congress - which for any advocacy professional or campaigner can be really crucial information that's often hard to get. Now you can get it in your pocket!

It's free, which we love because to get this information in real time previously, you had to shell out lots of money (which typically only lobbyists could afford). Hope it's useful for the community out there!

Thanks, as always, for keeping us all on the edge of what's possible with and getting important information to us in the palm of our hands.


As someone who works in fundraising, I find the cost of entering the micro-donations field a little daunting. mGive has a pretty hefty upfront cost I've discovered and can't seem to find any SMS or mobile application that can be suggested to patrons as a way to make a direct donation. Any suggestions?

ben rigby

Hi Beth & all -
Funny you just posted about this. Because, a couple of days ago I launched a "Mission" at The Extraordinaries that asks the community to help find nonprofit iPhone apps. It uses our new "Researcher" tool - which allows a bunch of people interested in the same thing to do research together. Check it out and please submit your findings!


Erica Mills

I recently downloaded the DoGood ( iPhone app from Mobil33t. They wondered what would happen if 300,000 people did the same act of kindness everyday. Interesting question and an interesting app. Each day you get on very doable dogood to do, e.g. be nice to a stranger. Seems like a great way to get those who are new to doing good to get the feel for it, as opposed to an avenue for nonprofits to raise money, but it'll be interesting to watch what happens with it.

Am now going to download all the other apps you mention that haven't yet made it onto my iPhone!

Humberto Kam

Thank you for mentioning the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch app. For me, the exciting thing about the Extraordinaires is the step it’s taking towards an eventual integration between apps and web services developed by different organizations. This is key as organizations compete for space on people’s phones.

Beth Kanter

I just created "Apps for Social Good" on Appolicious:

Interesting social network where people share info re: apps

Lisa Goddard

Hi Beth. The Capital Area Food Bank of Texas just launched an iPhone app called IPheedANeed You can get more info at

- Lisa Goddard
Online Marketing Director
Capital Area Food Bank of Texas
@lisa_goddard on Twitter

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