Global Voices is a community of more than 200 bloggers around the world who work together to bring reports from blogs and citizen media around the world, with emphasis on voices that are not ordinarily heard in international mainstream media. The founders are Rebecca MacKinnon and Ethan Zuckerman.
It is five years old today!
I was not involved in the legendary gathering back in 2004 that lead to the creation of Global Voices Manifesto. Rising Voices Director David Sasaki has written aretrospective to honor Global Voices' fifth birthday. I joined the community several months after Global Voices got started after meeting Rebecca because of a strong interest in connecting with Cambodian bloggers. And while I haven't been as active in recent years, the friendships and connections have endured.
Rebecca MacKinnon has written a terrific reflection on the early years and what Global Voices has developed into five years later. This piece is part of a series to support Global Voices Online Fundraising campaign - just sent a happy birthday gift.
Beth - Thanks so much for your posting this! You've supported us consistently over the years, and we're very thankful for your generosity. I hope our paths cross again in 2010!
All the best,
Posted by: Georgiap | December 23, 2009 at 04:39 AM
Happy Holidays - was thrilled to see Sopheap Chak as an author. I do hope we'll see each other face-to-face. I know I will be Ory and David in 2010.
Posted by: Beth Kanter | December 23, 2009 at 08:04 AM
Thank you so much for supporting Global Voices. During Ukraine's "Orange Revolution" we witnessed just how much technology can amplify the voices around the globe calling for freedom and justice. I appreciate how much Global Voices does to keep us all aware of the big (and little) issues that are impacting people outside of our immediate neighborhoods.
Posted by: TulipGirl | December 29, 2009 at 07:19 PM