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« I Live Here, I Give Here: Place-Based Charitable Giving Hubs | Main | Three Different Approaches to Twitter Fundraising: Bees, Turkeys, and Blame »


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Morgan Sully

Beth, this is great (as usual!). Came into my feedreader and I immediately emailed a shortened version into a blog I contribute to. Perfect timing as we're about to develop a content/SM strategy for a local (?) national org. Cheers from Australia!

Bill Rice

This is so important. It is amazing how many organizations jump into social media with little or no strategy, much less one related to content.

This is a great framework.

Thanks for providing another great resource to keep us focused on a big part of online success.

Kivi Leroux Miller

Beth, thanks for framing this up. I think it's going to be very interesting to see how smaller organizations especially go about taking #3 Engagement and rolling that back into #1 and #2 over time. As you said, how do you faciliate without controlling it? In addition to the time involved, I think it also takes a certain level of finesse and experience to sniff out what parts of #3 really make the most sense to circle back into #1 and #2 in a deliberate way. I think that's a big questions (again, especially for smaller groups): How much "engagement content" do you just let happen and leave it at that, and how much do actively try to work back into your other communications and into your programs as a whole?

Jeff Hurt

Ding, ding, ding, ding! That's the sound of the bell exclaiming, "We have a winner!"

Great thoughts Beth and the questions you raise are the ones every organization should start asking themselves...assuming they've bought into the social and engagement pieces of the puzzle.

I think nonprofit leaders that have skills in listening (one of your's and my favorite topics), communication and most importantly, facilitation, will have more success in engaging stakeholders. Those leaders that have experience and skills

  • Presenting

  • Working with group processes to ensure a variety of voices are heard

  • Consensus-building

  • Organizational development

  • Understanding of some basic tenets of Bloom's taxonomy (that's the educator in me)

  • Knowledge of Maslow's hierarchy of needs--especially as applied to individuals and groups

will be able to help guide and chauffer people into engaging conversations. The organization would also benefit from identifying someone with the skills of summarizing the important points from those conversations and rolling them into co-created would. I also think collaborative tools like Google Wave and eCommunities help augment this co-creation process.

Unfortunately, the soft-skills of facilitation, listening and communication are often overlooked and under appreciated when it comes to nonprofit leadership.

Jeff Hurt

Oops, should say *co-created content, not co-created would.

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