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« Three Different Approaches to Twitter Fundraising: Bees, Turkeys, and Blame | Main | This Year Twitter Fundraisers, Next Year FourSquare Fundraisers .... »


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Mark Brooks

I think this will be studied at length by fund raisers. To date the use of online approaches has been more about hype than results. This is perhaps one of the best results I have seen to date. I would love to see a more in depth report on how they did this.

Geoff Livingston

Great stuff! So proud to have worked on the study that proceeded this. Kudos to the St. Paul Foundation for this outstanding effort.

Sean Stannard-Stockton

Have you seen any evidence that the success was based on the "online" aspect of the event and not just the "match" and "limited time" aspects? I'd love to know that this is an example of successful online fundraising and not just traditional fundraising. Realize that GiveMN raised more in 24 hours than Facebook Causes has raised since they started.

Chris P Lambe

This initiative broke down the walls between traditional and online fundraising and merged the best aspects of both. That's why it was so successful. There are some that simply thought that if you build a website, donors will come. GiveMN was not so naive. The mix of personal outreach to both donors and nonprofits, coupled with an integrated blend of viral and traditional marketing was what made the difference. GiveMN from the outset seemed very authentic; the trust level was high; the communications clear; and best of all, the value equation was defined. It wasn't just about the matching funds, the fact that all transactions fees were covered so that all $14MM would go directly to the nonprofits was very compelling.

Jono Smith

I'm curious what the marketing strategy was. Aside from the nonprofit toolkit, do we know what did they did to drive traffic to their site? Was their any PSAs, TV, radio, SEM, banner advertising, etc.?

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