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Hi Beth!
I enjoyed this post, thanks!
I've been trying to use a new social media site/tool ( ) to raise funds for my sons school and for a human trafficking charity. It's been surprisingly slow though, maybe because I'm quite new to it. I look forward to reading more of what you have to say and learning.

A trend I'm trying to start is something I like to call a charity chain. I've typed up some ideas (though not fully refined) here.

Thanks again and have a great thanksgiving!


Hi Beth!

Great Article! I founded the uGive Network, which creates a custom online fund raising platform for non-profits to help raise funds online. The model is similar to blastoff (per last comment), however we work directly with schools to create a branded site they can then use to incorporate into their existing site.

We are getting ready to start Phase 2 of development which will incorporate a social media aspect of the site. The idea is that although the facebooks and twitters of the world are great, as soon as the next fad comes along, your site traffic at some point will go down and your org will have to then rebuild from the ground up. So we are developing a full serviced site that integrates their own social network so they can control it themselves on their domain.

Feel free to check out the site at and let us know your thoughts, feedback, or if you are intested in signing up!

David Kostik

Great article - reminder to all of us that fundraising is about engaging the passion of people and inviting them to engage in relationship with us. As you point out, social media can be a tool to integrate into our overall prgrams. Thanks

Vinay Bhagat

Great article Beth. I really resonated with a lot of what you said, in particular treatment of supporters as program partners.

On your note for 2010, about connecting donors more with the recipients of the dollars, we work with a social services agency in Austin called Mobile Loaves & Fishes. The Founder/CEO, Alan Graham is very much a forward thinker. For some time now he's been "friending" both donors/advocates/volunteers on Facebook, but also the homeless people they serve, and providing opportunities for direct connection. I thought this was a great illustration of what you cited.



I think in 2010 we'll see social media fund raising campaigns really go mainstream, so much so that facebook and other sites that allow personal donation invitations will become increasingly overcrowded.

It's important to keep telling your story in a way that grabs people's attention and allows them the ability to contribute to the conversation. And that doesn't always mean just through opening their wallets. The great thing about social media is that it opens up the dialogue and has tremendous viral potential.

Looking forward to many miracles in 2010 !



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