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« Reflections on Network Effectiveness and Social Media Strategy Workshop | Main | The Art of Aligning Social Media Strategy With Communications Strategy »


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Amy Sample Ward

Thanks for sharing parts of your conversation with Peter and Madeline, Beth! Wish I could have been there!!!

One thing I've been thinking a lot about lately is the difference between the roles and strategies of a network weaver operating as a connector and facilitator in the center of a network of peers vs a network of volunteers/supporters/donors vs a network of other organizations. The way to approach that work from the very beginning, the day to day operations and even the goals are so different! I find some people are naturally designed to be excellent weavers but only for one type of network, and so on. What are some of those core attributes that help identify good network weavers? I think some are found in digital nomads except for the "nomad" trait itself, the not wanting to be planted part - for, as you say, to be a good network weaver there needs to be a long-term commitment to know and work with the network.

Thanks again for sharing!



There are definitely some nuances in this role - and the context for this role. And, of course, various skill sets. Sometimes the network weaver isn't one person.

Jean Russell

Splendid! Thank you Beth (and Peter and Madeleine). Network weaving seems to take on many forms. Sometimes it seems to be about connecting on commonalities in the network and doing matchmaking (maybe that fits the connectivity network best). Sometimes it is about evangelizing for the network (perhaps this fits best with alignment network) - to weave the network to itself and to bring new members in who align with the purpose. And the weaving that seems to fit the production network best is sourcing and connecting strengths and needs. However, what I think Beth does - which goes beyond that - is this pattern finding she writes about - to pull from the network the wisdom across nodes - to discern patterns - and then voice that pattern back to the whole. More than a helper mediating between-ness, Beth gives consciousness to the collective - to know itself in a synthesized way. In organic dynamic networks, this role is vital to the network evolving.

business help

great post Beth I appreciate the graph showing the different characteristics of networks,I kinda knew this,but its very clear now with visual explanation!

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