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« Drawing Networks on Napkins with Peter Plastrik and Madeleine Taylor, Co-Authors of Net Gains | Main | Social Learning Isn't Just for Kids: Learning in Public at Conferences and Workshops »


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Eric Schwartzman

Hi Beth,

I was just turned onto your social media strategy game by a client who wants to play it at their annual retreat. After checking it out, I thought it was a great idea and am looking forward to it. As per CC 3.0, I'll make sure you get full attribution.

Meanwhile, I'd like to feature you as a guest on I've been producing it since April 2005 and based on my previous guests (Steve Rubel, Katie Paine, David Sifry, Walt Mossberg, David Pogue and others), you'll be in excellent company. I'm currently averaging around 18,000 downloads per month.

Also, I am co-chair (with Elizabeth Albrycht) of a conference organized by PRSA called the Digital Impact in NYC next May and am going to recommend you as a speaker. Are you available May 6-7, 2009?



Marketing Dissertation

Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!


Hi! Thanks for posting the CMW version of your game and for using creative commons to make it shareable--to me this is another example of how good ideas spread through the nonprofit-sphere when costs are kept low... like cardstock to print the game and intern time (on a good day) to cut them up :)

two additional quick reflections:

  • Situation: I have found a really helpful way to play the game is with all the members of the same organization, where they are united in a single goal--then lots of different small groups are playing the game, and when they report out at the end it's interesting to see the overlapping tools that multiple groups have chosen--kind of a back door to wisdom of the group. For example, in Detroit last summer, a whole bunch of folks at the convention and visitors bureau included "other people's blogs" as an important tool, which I believe they've gone on to incorporate in their outreach.
  • Points: I think the value of the point system is in the real-life limitation it presents to folks, and it makes the "game" more real. Virtually everyone has to function within some budgetary (or time) limits -- and actually having some limits (of course the game time is a limit, too) probably helps people to make decisions -- although perhaps it slows people from "outside-the-box" thinking? Maybe that's OK--the goal of the game is not really to think outside boxes, but to understand options and let people apply their well honed strategic minds (as you point out) to a relatively new set of choices--from among a series of social media tools. (I do think we should look at revising some of our tools--the other day someone suggested AdWords as a new tool, and Kara Carrell and I looked at each other like, "of course!")

Gordon: That's what I've been doing - giving everyone the same scenario. It's richer. Have been tweaking the level of detail in the scenario as well.

Danielle Brigida

Fantastic post Beth. As always :)

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