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John Cass

I see three strategies here Beth.

1) You can create content that is relevant and engages people because it is valuable. Perhaps by providing a how-to, or connecting with some emotionally. The strategy for content development is based upon SEO strategy or your understanding of what valuable in the industry.

2) Creating content based upon the monitoring of social media, as you describe in your overview this is what planned parenthood does with its New Media Content team. The team creates, edits, repurposes, identifies content across all our channels. I differentiate this approach from strategy one, because there's a more formal system set up to monitor the community on the web.

3) Engagement occurs when there's a team set up to engage your community on the web about your brand or organization. You answer comments on the community members web site, write content about them on your own website. I think there does have to be some context, such as relationship or context within the industry.

I suspect that direct engagement occurs naturally within all three strategies, but what I suggest is that there's a definite choice on the part of companies and organizations about which strategy to follow, as each strategy requires the commitment of resources.

Kivi Leroux Miller

Great stuff, Beth (and thanks for the link). Can't wait to read more about it in the book!

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