Without fail, we get a call at See3 every week asking us to produce a “viral” video. “You know”, they say, “a video that will get a lot of views when we put it on YouTube.”
And every week, without fail, there is a sigh and a deep breath among the staff at See3 as we explain that maybe a viral video isn’t what you really need. Maybe, we say, what you really need is a video strategy.
The Siren Song of Viral
Nonprofit organizations work very hard to get their messages in front of new audiences. They work to get people to join their emails lists, to show up to events and to eventually become donors. Unlike other marketing efforts that take the actual hard work of building relationships, viral video seems like a short-cut to organizational riches.
The viral video story goes like this: A video will be uploaded to YouTube and it will (magically) catch fire. People will send it to each other and it will get so many views that it ends up in the “Most Viewed” rotation at YouTube, which will only bring in more views and next thing you know 1 MILLION PEOPLE have watched our video!
At this point in the story I ask, “And so what does that get you?” Well, they say, when 1 MILLION PEOPLE know about us, many will go to our website, sign up and be compelled to donate because our video was so good [funny] [sad] [moving] [powerful].
It’s a nice story, but unfortunately, it rarely works out that way.
Facts about Viral Video
You cannot predict which videos will be viral hits
We never promise viral hits because very few organizations are interested in being edgy enough, or off-message enough, to make their video a must-see. YouTube is littered with videos that the makers had hoped would be hits. The real viral video hits – the ones that get in everyone’s email — are, with some notable exceptions, videos with cute pets, people saying stupid things, sex appeal, and other qualities that rarely have anything to do with a nonprofit mission. (All of us should envy the animal welfare groups, because they have the unfair advantage of cute furry creatures.)
YouTube views do not translate into website traffic.
The average video length on YouTube is about 1.5 minutes while the average session time on YouTube is about 30 minutes. What this means is that the most likely thing to happen after someone watches a YouTube video is that they will watch another YouTube video, not enter in your URL to check out your website.
You need long-term supporters, not 1-minute sympathizers
A consumer product, such as Blendtec, gets a benefit from having lots of videos watched on YouTube because it helps their branding, which in a retail setting, translates into purchases. Nonprofits, on the other hand, are not sitting on store shelves. Organizations need to have online strategies that follow-up initial interest with real engagement over the long term. One successful YouTube video, even if it moves people while they are watching it, does not facilitate this engagement. It can be part of a strategy toward engagement, but it cannot be an end in and of itself.
You don’t want to be a one-hit wonder.
The people who are most successful on YouTube aren’t focused on making a single viral video. They are making a series of videos with a character or a set-up that is interesting and brings people back for more. In other words, they are building an audience through regular production of videos that tell stories. That’s what you should be thinking about. By investing in many videos over a long period of time, you are also much more likely to hit on one that attracts others to join your long-term audience.
People who like to watch kittens in paper bags may actually not be good donor prospects
The first question we ask about viral is, “Viral to whom?” The unspoken viral video assumption is that random people on YouTube are potential donor prospects. Some of them may be, of course. But it is likely that the people who spend a lot of time watching the viral video hits are teenagers, for example. You are better off identifying and speaking more directly to the audience who is most likely to already care about your core issues.
One of our biggest viral video hits was this video for the Maryland State Teachers Association. It only has about 2000 views. How can it be considered a viral hit? Because the goal of the video was to influence a debate about education funding and the state-level policy-makers and journalists that matter in that debate all heard about it, passed it on, and watched it. It worked.
Towards a Video Strategy
Viral is just another way of saying “word of mouth” and at its core it means that people pass the content on to one-another without the need for much intervention from the organization. In this sense, having viral marketing work for your organization is important. If you have really important, interesting things to share – and you share them in creative and interesting ways – then people will pass them on to their friends and increase your marketing effectiveness.
Where you should start with online video is to make a commitment to using this new medium to connect people to your work. You need to think about what the important and interesting things are and ask yourself, “How do we document this work?” You need to ask yourself why do you think what you do is important, and ask your staff as well. You need to then capture – on a regular basis – those important and interesting things. If you can find the funny stories, the creative metaphors, and turn your issue on its head once in a while, so much the better. But please, stop focusing on making a viral video and start focusing on making a viral cause.
Michael Hoffman is the CEO of See3 Communications and an expert in online video for nonprofits.
Good post that I plan on sharing the next time viral video comes up. I particularly like your Teachers association example. If we could produce a video that was seen by even 10% of current donors I believe that would be more of a success then a "mentos exploding" type video. People who watch menotos in cans of coke explode would not be interested in our nonprofit.
Posted by: Chris Dattilo | July 16, 2009 at 07:58 AM
Good post Beth!
VIRAL reminds me of FIRE. I love it. I use it. But requires constant watching.
Of course you can't control how others play with it. UNITED Air had a Viral NIGHTMARE when they said no to fixing a broken guitar. Customer YouTube song got 3 MILLION VIEWS in 10 days. http://tinyurl.com/nr38jp
Posted by: Chris Wilde | July 16, 2009 at 08:48 AM
OOPS! HEY MICHAEL. You wrote a great post. I accidentally commented to Beth.
By the way I like your video at www.See3.net "GET THE MESSage OUT." It's refreshing to see something informative and fun.
Posted by: Chris Wilde | July 16, 2009 at 09:29 AM
Thanks for the great post, Michael.
In effort to try and redeem my unsuccessful communication via Twitter - 140 characters can be challenging sometimes :) . . .
I wanted to add to your statement under "Towards a Video Strategy" when you write: "You need to ask yourself why do you think what you do is important, and ask your staff as well" by saying that it might perhaps be more important to ask your community/supporters what they think it is that you do that's important to them and then build your strategy from there.
Thanks, again.
Posted by: Colin Rhinesmith | July 16, 2009 at 10:10 AM
Wonderful post Michael. It's very important for organizations to start with campaign goals to figure out which tools will best help achieve them. Smart advice on the target audiences and measurement of success too.
Posted by: Kristin Henry | July 16, 2009 at 10:12 AM
Thanks for the comments everyone.
Colin, you are 100% right. I think it is critical that organizations be in dialog with their constituents and they can learn what aspects of their missions and work resonate the most.
I also think, and what I was saying in the article, is that founders are passionate, that staff is passionate, and they do what they do for a reason. Getting at those reasons can be a way to bring the passion into your communications more generally.
The most exciting thing about video right now are the efforts to make it more of a conversation as well -- it has been a very one-way medium. But that's for another blog post.
Posted by: Michael Hoffman | July 16, 2009 at 10:17 AM
This is great! I totally agree that nonprofits need to think through the larger purpose of using video.
For example, I'm also very interested in how groups can use video creation as part of constituent leadership development and community organizing. Seems to me that the process of creation can be as important as the final product. At the same time, video is unique. Unlike lots of social media, it's created offline and often collaboratively. So much text-based digital media requires online access and a high level of English literacy.
That said, I do think that video is a storytelling tool. Even though being viral isn't a worthwhile goal, it's still important to think about what makes compelling engaging storytelling to draw the viewer in and spur them to share the video with others. Thanks again for this Michael! Keep up your great work!
Posted by: Will Coley | July 16, 2009 at 10:40 AM
Great post, I totally agree with the concept that nonprofits need long-term supporters, not 1-minute sympathizers. Quality over quantity!
Posted by: DorotheeRH | July 16, 2009 at 06:04 PM
Nice post, Mike. It's one of those posts that I save to my Delicious for another day!
I say that because like you I do believe that video is an important strategy moving forward. But also like you, I don't believe it's the be-all, end-all to making your organization compelling and successful. It's just another piece--an important one, I think--but just another.
I think the bigger challenge for nonprofits is coming up with a video strategy that is effective, doable and affordable. If it is "another thing," it needs to find its place in that world among blogging, snapping pictures, tweeting, hanging out at Facebook, etc. That's what I really need to understand and why one of my staff is signing up for your free seminar at the end of the month.
Thanks again for writing this, Mike. And thanks to Beth for giving Mike the space!
Posted by: Joe Waters | July 17, 2009 at 07:52 AM
Excellent post!
Viral videos get old. Who wants their nonprofit message to "get old"?
Posted by: Zoe | July 18, 2009 at 04:37 AM
There’s no question the cause community has gravitated towards social media outreach including web video given it’s relatively low cost as compared to it’s potential scalability. But often social media is best deployed as an additive to a robust integrated campaign, including paid media. And moreover, typically doesn’t achieve the dreamy results that one craves unless both a strong brand and an engaged audience are already in place. To your point Michael, if you're strategic in your targeting and messaging AND include a clear and convenient call to action you'll be viral to those who mean the most to achieving your results.
Brian Powell
Posted by: Brian Powell | July 19, 2009 at 01:38 PM
call the holy spirit ...To Young people...To National treasure...Beware Dance with death...
First Lady Ms. Love Ms.Michelle Obama My sister...
Become pen Heavy in the hands And crafts Distorted form The reason is the voice calls as usual Everyone needs to hear Is the voice of life Walk towards that window and open the door and see To what extent Arrived Voice of life in this community My sister really Everyone needs to change And Start Inside each one of us Because life is distorted You are a housewife and a lawyer Now the president's wife, first lady Did not prevent this from becoming This housewife society the most in need you to restore a natural balance of life We contribute this to change... She is black Points Fell from the sky Scientists have puzzled Did not find her medicine He Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV AIDS Makes people dance with death... Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lentivirus (a member of the retrovirus family) that can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a condition in humans in which the immune system begins to fail, leading to life-threatening opportunistic infections. Previous names for the virus include human T-lymphotropic virus-III (HTLV-III), lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV), and AIDS-associated retrovirus (ARV).[1][2] Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate, or breast milk. Within these bodily fluids, HIV is present as both free virus particles and virus within infected immune cells. The four major routes of transmission are unprotected sexual intercourse, contaminated needles, breast milk, and transmission from an infected mother to her baby at birth (Vertical transmission). Screening of blood products for HIV has largely eliminated transmission through blood transfusions or infected blood products in the developed world. HIV infection in humans is now pandemic. As of January 2006, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the World Health Organization (WHO) estimate that AIDS has killed more than 25 million people since it was first recognized on December 1, 1981. It is estimated that about 0.6 percent of the world's population is infected with HIV.[3] In 2005 alone, AIDS claimed an estimated 2.4–3.3 million lives, of which more than 570,000 were children. A third of these deaths are occurring in sub-Saharan Africa, retarding economic growth and increasing poverty.[4] According to current estimates, HIV is set to infect 90 million people in Africa, resulting in a minimum estimate of 18 million orphans.[5] Antiretroviral treatment reduces both the mortality and the morbidity of HIV infection, but routine access to antiretroviral medication is not available in all countries.[6] HIV primarily infects vital cells in the human immune system such as helper T cells (specifically CD4+ T cells), macrophages, and dendritic cells. HIV infection leads to low levels of CD4+ T cells through three main mechanisms: firstly, direct viral killing of infected cells; secondly, increased rates of apoptosis in infected cells; and thirdly, killing of infected CD4+ T cells by CD8 cytotoxic lymphocytes that recognize infected cells. When CD4+ T cell numbers decline below a critical level, cell-mediated immunity is lost, and the body becomes progressively more susceptible to opportunistic infections. Eventually most HIV-infected individuals develop AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). These individuals mostly die from opportunistic infections or malignancies associated with the progressive failure of the immune system.[7] Without treatment, about 9 out of every 10 persons with HIV will progress to AIDS after 10-15 years. Many progress much sooner.[8] Treatment with anti-retrovirals increases the life expectancy of people infected with HIV. Even after HIV has progressed to diagnosable AIDS, the average survival time with antiretroviral therapy (as of 2005) is estimated to be more than 5 years.[9] Without antiretroviral therapy, death normally occurs within a year.[10] It is hoped that current and future treatments may allow HIV-infected individuals to achieve a life expectancy approaching that of the general public It robs life... Stole the life of the family of Rose Family which lives in South Africa and Soweto exactly That city known beauty She strange And is strange in that picture That combine luxury housing for wealthy And tin homes for the poor In a wonderful range Painter Who drew the painting time and life And forms Is the humanity in this era... Rose is a widow 32 year old Beautiful black woman Her husband died Tom a result of AIDS Not betray the love Tom was a patient of diabetes Go to the hospital district For insulin injection The hospital lacked the most basic health conditions so that the injection transmitted from one person to another and the movement of the end with a bad thing to change the fate of people because of trivial From here began suffering the family when Tom wanted to make some medical examinations Because of the deterioration of his health for no reason It was a shock strong He had a slow death in his body Think of the Rose She Do you betray the of love Not because it is his sweetheart since he was small Walking in the streets of the city Like a lost child And discuss why the presence of the disease in his body Although he a sincere man In love with his wife Walking the streets in an attempt to escape from the entry to the house Thinking of his wife Which have become infected Think of the three children to take care Questions attacking mind Which did not tremble before me from the misfortunes of time Despite the poverty suffered by Did not object to the will of God Rose and the children are the real wealth for him Surrendered and returned to the home and live in sorrow News after the Rose The shock of silence Going through the days months and years Children are not infected with the disease But the books on the forehead of each and every one of them the word of orphanhood Paul is the eldest son 18 year old dream of becoming a doctor And addresses the people of this disease... Mikel, a 13 year old dream to become a Singing star... John is the younger son 10 year old dream of becoming a famous football... All these dreams collapsed When Tom died The suffering of the great The cost of a medication that helps to live longer period it was expensive Making Paul Leave school In order to support a family And lost his dream A month later, Rose is dead Mikel and by virtue of his age could not bear the separation from parents Was Extinguishes Grief Embracingly Tree tree planted near the door of the house Tom all of the landscape seen Ask questions on the same Is science is unable to find a cure... Mary 16 year old lives in the province of Esmeralda, Nevada Do not have the dream of its own Catherine is the mother of Mary Action doctor jurisdiction heart disease ... Morris is the father of Mary, a businessman man... This work Stole the time of the father and mother Passing month Without To meet the family And emotional tension Live at home These factors Paid to the girl looking for a warm outside Warmth bad friends Life is a drug of banditry prostitution Lived their lives a taste of the drug ecstasy And tested Warmth men The girl became ill on a permanent basis She is no longer as it was full of life Prompting the mother to Check her daughter Finally after it is too late decided The approaching At the outset Is simply a case of cold But medicine Requested Of her daughter Escort To hospital For some analysis Mary did not object to it despite the fact that the analysis will reveal the drug addiction Retaliating against her parents at the expense of the same to get some attention Is simply a drug Girl in mind But the truth is the slow death Makes a person dancing Dance of Death is kidnapped spirit Mary is usually home And the rest of the mother in the hospital to work And wait for the result of the analysis Leave room office Towards room Some of the sick Suddenly change the way To the laboratory Because the result is delayed Asked Dr. Adam Adam please Analysis What is this delay Seen and sadness on his face Provide the paper with the fact Neglect of duty for mother Just consider the line Vibrates the heart of the mother And denies the truth Impropriety in the argument analysis Adam answers Confirmed three times He tried to control the situation calms down mother It's a Position terrible doctor is unable to treat his daughter's This disease is the enemy of Medicine Return to the House And the movement of the story to the Father As for Mary, do not move the rest of Silent After 6 years Mary died Not in her bed at home or in hospital beds Hugging a family tree Planted by the grandfather of Mary Before his death Each of you look at a scene Aware How is life Distorted within the Mary... James age of 26 years live in the capital the United Kingdom of London City of love He is married to Julie and has a beautiful wife the daughter of Diana 3 years Is a man very attractive and loves women, although he is married Allow itself to betraying his wife Married Jolie After story of love Hear the echo from afar But weak in front of women Unable to control his desire Feebleminded Did not know the meaning of loyalty...Julie suffers from low pressure, making it go to the doctor Disease is considered merely a normal Request The doctor for some analysis Because she is pregnant Jolie, the joy of news pregnancy Is awaiting the results of the analysis along with James The nurse calls to Julie for enter the doctor Enter couple After a moment, shook the place screaming Jolie refuses to that fact that it infected slow death James Been done Suicide He threw himself from the roof of the hospital He became a deep pain for me Julie... Neglect the small things and the loss of love and the lack of sincerity Are the things that changed the fate of these Lack of a sense of responsibility Lack of appreciation of the other In the sense of loyalty love Non-performance of duty Giving love And attention of children In order to grow in that spirit of peace Lack of awareness of the harm Born In an environment of deprivation Become a black cloud cover all the poor or rich... My brother and sister I like the boy in the Courage and passion to me the discovery of life and respect the laws of life And appreciation of the opposite sex You know that the heart create For carry Love one woman If you move from one woman to another You insult yourself Make it cheap... I like the girl in the literature and modesty That maintain the honor Because he is the real beauty You know that true love accompanied by full awareness And of the age of 21 And not 18 years Feelings, not a fixed Like experience Unable to make it a reality Because it is new in this world Advice This spirit guide you To prove self Men love women who leave a mark wherever she goes Estimated the same Say you are weak no no You are a strong spirit of life in the universe... Thing If the Exceeded the limit Capsized to Against Some animals only one partner in life With respect for the amount of The ability to enjoy sex Subject to the laws of nature to respect life To continue life and birth control Satisfaction of sexual desires And lasting In various ways Gives you the feeling you are not happy because you have lost value The appreciation of life lost This way Is a distortion of the life... Everyone involved in the change Diligence in study and work The country needs you now more than ever Do not look to be pessimistic about the economic crisis It is a turning point for the better Lost your job In order to discover what is right for you all I am a believer that every person carries within it is something Distinctive is not owned by other This is your chance discovered Only to see President Obama achieved a dream Yesterday And the dream is You Despite the heavy pregnancy Fought battle Because he loves the country and loves you Make plight grant The others such as We need you........
Daughter of Miss.OPRAH WINFRY
Posted by: holy spirit | July 22, 2009 at 11:43 AM