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« Guest Post by Stacey Monk: Dogooders Won’t Change the World (Alone) | Main | Guest Post by Heather McLeod Grant: Reflections on the Personal Democracy Forum »


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Shannon K. Aronin

Carie, brilliant. And I really appreciate the clear step by step instructions and results. I will definitely be using this technique for clients. Thanks!

Matt Koltermann

Awesome! And thanks for all the implementation details, Carie. At Cross-Cultural Solutions we recently redesigned our HTML email templates to include links to our social media properties, which was a pretty valuable step, but now I'm motivated to implement your share code!

Michael Stein

Have had this flagged to read for a week and just got around to it. What a great idea - and explained in such clear detail! I'm inspired to add these as options to our email campaign software. I hope all the animals know how lucky they are to have you working for them!

Jay Genekse

This is fantastic. Thanks for sharing!


Just wanted to say thanks for this post. I work for AARP on the Divided We Fail initiative, and yesterday at about 11, we learned that President Obama would be coming to AARP to talk health care. By mid-afternoon, we had put together an email to engage our supporters and borrowed this idea. I was very grateful it was so easy to follow!

I'm on the Twitter side, where we have only begun to participate, but even still, our outreach generated nearly 300 click-thrus to our page from Twitter (count courtesy of And the 17 or so retweets helped us reach over 8K additional followers. Will find out tomorrow the metrics re the Facebook side, but expect our activity to follow Carie's (we have just 100 Twitter followers, but nearly 6K Facebook fans).

Thanks again!

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