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« A Social Media Cliff Hanger: Making Sure Your Parachute Opens | Main | Are You A Listening Organization? »


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Jay Moonah from Wild Apricot

Some great ideas here Beth! FYI another multi-tweeting service I know of is

I haven't played with it too much myself but I do know the folks at the mesh conference here in Toronto were using it to tweet to multiple accounts during the event -- you can learn great things at a conference like that by peaking over people's shoulders! ;-)

Jason Inman


Currently we have one central account on Twitter that will post content generated by multiple team members. We have also created a social media best practices along with policy that encourages educated use of twitter and social media in general. At times we plan to RT what some of these teammembers might be saying, for instance someone on the field responding to disaster. We are still in the learning and listening stage but we are potentially getting ready to launch a presence on youtube, facebook (pages), and twitter. The focus will be on facebook and twitter with youtube as a support tool.

A question for you: there is concern in that the level of interactivity and virality on facebook and twitter could be a threat to our organization. We are a $40 million International relief organization. What would you say to someone that was worried about negative or inappropriate content being posted on tools like facebook and twitter?


Email Marketing Guru

Twitter is like a breath of fresh air on the Social Media scene. I have been on it for just a few weeks now and I have met several interesting people. It is a platform to network with people you would like to meet in real life.


John Haydon


Great post - very comprehensive!

CoTweet also allows users to save groups based on keywords within the search function. For example, a non-profit can search #cancer and keep up with conversations tagged with that hashtag.

The downside of Hootsuite is that it posts a bar similar to the DiggBar, which a lot of SEO folks don't like (it gives Hootesuite SEO credit instead of giving credit to the link originally posted).

Finally, I wrote a couple of posts that might be useful to folks managing multiple accounts:

Combining Broadcaster And Connector Twitter Accounts -

How To Be Useful On Twitter Without Going Crazy -

and finally:

Resource Superlist for Twitter Folks -

Take care!


Tresha Thorsen

Thank you muchly.....great suggestions, ideas, and tools. Helpful always to give examples of organizations already working out this question productively and genuinely. Grateful for the post and the comments. I've valued ur use of scheduled tweets for campaigns, announcements, and reminders of upcoming deadlines. All super helpful.
Thanks Beth for being alert and thinking ahead what can help all of us more....

Maryann Devine

Beth, thanks for the suggestions, especially on managing multiple accounts for one organization -- I think this is going to be an increasingly common challenge for nonprofits.

I played around with Hootsuite myself, and I liked the fact that I could preschedule tweets, and track click throughs.

What I didn't like was that, when I linked a tweet to a blog post of mine, Hootsuite got the traffic, because of the way the shortener works. That meant that I had to sort of combine Hootsuite click-through stats with Google Analytics stats, since those visitors saw my content, but didn't actually visit my site. Too much work.

(I only used it on tweets linking to my own content -- I know that some people are really opposed to how Hootsuite frames their content, so I just didn't go there.)


Matt Koltermann

I posted a detailed comment to your entry, "What are your nonprofit's super power listening tips for using Twitter?" yesterday and touched on some of this, too.

At Cross-Cultural Solutions, we use a combination of both Hootsuite and CoTweet to manage @volunteerabroad.

We use Hootsuite because it's a web app, allows for multiple admins, and has a great scheduling interface. We don't use their URL shortener, though, because the bar is just too intrusive! So, we use for all of our shortening and measuring needs, and we're pretty satisfied with that. Happy to hear the next version has a grouping tool!

However, I also use CoTweet because its monitoring and tweet assignment workflow works really well for me. I mentioned in my other comment, though, that I'm reluctant to roll it out to other staff at this time because its posting tool frequently has problems connecting with the Twitter API, which makes it too unreliable to use as a be-all tool. Maybe someday :)

I've tried a ton of desktop Twitter apps, but I don't use any of them consistently because web apps are so much better suited to a multi-computer and multi-admin environment.

John Haydon


Here's another post I wrote on using Twitterfeed to mash together multiple accounts into one Twitter account:

How To Selectively Integrate Your Personal And Corporate Twitter Accounts Using RSS And A Hashtag



This is great information! I am going to check out the sites you have above where you manage multiple twitter accounts, this has been something I have been thinking on as of late.

Peggy Hoffman

Just in the nick of time - thanks!

Jeffrey, EPA

Thanks very much, Beth! This'll really come in handy as we consider how to manage multiple accounts at EPA.

Sue Waters

While my situation is slightly different as I work for a company as opposed to non-profit organisation -- the same principles help both. Sorry for long comment :(

We have twitter accounts for our different companies and where possible I include the twitter names of the people who tweet from the accounts within the bio. That way our users can decide if they want to connect with us via the company account or with individuals. For example, here is Edublogs twitter account. I've also tried to make our bio sound more friendly as less corporate.

When I tweet from any of these company accounts I normally will say Sue here - so that people know who is tweeting and they can relate to the real person. Unless off course it is an update that doesn't matter who is sending.

Most of my support for our communities is out of my personal account; as I personally think most people prefer to feel they are dealing with a person as opposed to a faceless organisation. My emails from our support account includes links to my blog, and both twitter accounts. Users (and potential clients) use these links to add me to their twitter account, and check out my blog. I've had potential clients email me saying checking out my blog now means they can connect the person with the emails (which all helps).

I monitor mentions of our companies names on twitters. If users are having trouble I will offer assistance from my personal account if they are following me, if not I will talk to them via the company account. With people who are talking about our company, it is important to make a decision of when it is and isn't appropriate to engage in conversations. Once again I will make decision of which account based on whether they are following me.

In terms of managing the accounts. With my personal account already following too many people I prefer to monitor the other accounts using Twitterfox in different web browsers. I run 3 web browsers any way so it isn't an issue. While my personal account uses Twhirl. On my iphone I use Tweetie which is excellent for managing multiple accounts.

Megan Keane

Great post & I'm learning a lot from the comments too! I recently started playing around with Seesmic for managing multiple Twitter accounts (you can also update Facebook from Seesmic, but no other services yet). Love the UI, easy to separate groups of users and searches (similar to TweetDeck), desktop client on Adobe Air for Mac or PC. There's supposedly a mobile application in the works. In the meantime, I use Twitterfon on my iphone (the $5 paid version supports multiple account & integrates with Instapaper).

An interesting tip I learned at the Online Community Unconference for orgs. having multiple people tweet under a single account: have each user "sign" their post w/ their name. This would be particularly good for companies/orgs. providing tech support via Twitter.

Tema Frank

Any suggestions for tools that help you mange not just Twitter accounts, but the dozens of other social media accounts you might also have? is good for outbound, but what about following what's coming in on all of them?

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