I finally got a chance to meet Manny Hernandez, author written the "Ning for Dummies Book." He is founder of The Diabetes Hands Foundation, a non profit that operates two niche social networks for people touched by diabetes: TuDiabetes (in English, with close to 8,200 members) and EsTuDiabetes (with close to 3,200 members, which is turning it into the main community destination for Spanish-speaking diabetics). Both have been runaway success stories. You can read more here.
A few weeks I ran a book giveaway for five copies of his book. You had to leave a comment indicating your goals, audience, and how you'd measure success of your Ning Community on this post which also includes a round up of Ning resources.
The lucky winners (selected randomly) of the Ning for Dummies book giveaway are:
Jon Boroshok
Tedd Nunn
Kara Carrell
Andy Ellis
Robin Mohr
I expect some good case studies at some point.
The winner of the ME 2.0 book giveaway by Dan Schawbel is Lloyd Budd who in a gracious act of pay it forward asked me for a Canadian charity to make a donation to in my honor. To close the circle, I connected him with Tanya Davis who raises money for Diabetes in Canada.
In about 8 weeks, I'm moving to California and need to pair down my book collection. I'm looking for nonprofit libraries that could cover the cost of postage for a box of books in exchange for a donation of some of my books. They cover a variety of topics, web technology, social media, training, evaluation, information design, management, and etc. Drop a note in the comments.
Beth, most of these topics sound like a good fit for the library at the Resource Center. Especially social media and training. If a smaller nonprofit would like them please give them first preference, but we are interested.
Posted by: Laura Norvig | May 06, 2009 at 09:35 PM
Hi Beth, My nonprofit would be thrilled to fly these books our way. We are an international animal advocacy and protection 501(c)(3) in Northern California. We are trying to expand our library for our staff and also open the door the the surrounding community for a lending library. Would love to include your collection -- we love your blog, and I have no doubt if you chose the books then they would be a stellar addition. -- Sarah Lux, www.idausa.org
Posted by: Sarah Lux | May 07, 2009 at 07:47 AM
Beth, What titles do you have available? I work for a nonprofit in Fort Worth, Texas and we have a library that serves nonprofit agencies in our area. Our library includes about 700 items that relate to the nonprofit world. Thanks so much for your offer. You can reach me at [email protected] Linda McMillan, Library Administrator at Funding Information Center
Posted by: Linda McMillan | May 07, 2009 at 09:48 AM