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Mark Dykeman

I'd say this is particularly good and useful considering that a lot of your work revolves around non-profit organizations. Considering that many of them have small budgets, they can probably use all the tools they can get.

I don't know a whole lot about Fairshare, but now I'm interested in checking it out, so thanks for that.


great post thanks, i'm also interested to check out fairshare now. i publish most things i do as cc, which has recently resulted in my totally amateur music being licensed for a french film about india!
in my blogging and when producing these free indie art events we do, i've made extensive use of the CC search i added to my browser's search (in firefox) to find images i can use. a simple trick, but given the context thought i'd pass it on. thanks again!


Hi Beth,

Your ROI points are good ones to keep in mind, and the "remix" terminology reminds me of how musicians exchange ideas and come up with new and better ones by jamming and riffing on each other's ideas. What if McCartney and Lennon had been so concerned with copyright infringement that they'd kept their ideas to themselves? The world would be a different place!

That said, how often do you come across situations where you feel like the CC license has been abused? And how do you respond?

Marion Conway

Hi Beth,

I really appreciate your making your material available on Creative Commons and I plan to use some of it in my first workshop on Social Media for Nonprofits later this month. For instance I love your ladder chart - definitely using that.

I think you are right that it is to your benefit to mmake it available as well as to the benefits of the recipients and I really like your idea of a "gift economy." I get calls and emails from people who I help through conversation without trying to engage them as paid clients. I haven't thought about that being part of a "gift economy" but I guess it really is.

I'll be sure to attribute whatever of yours I use to you and I'm sur to generate some new followers.


Liz Allen

Love this post. We're PLoS and use a CC licence to publish open access high quality scientific and medical research. As a non profit, we use social media (and other techniques) to get the word out and it's a lot of fun. Also, nearly all our sites now have community input via comments and user ratings etc.

Morgan Sully

this is great. I was so happy to have your starting points as a template for my post! As a non-profit technologist (and as an electronic musician/dj:) the idea of a cut 'n paste culture has been one near and dear to my heart.

A tool like FairShare could make an interesting 'memetic geneology/mapping' tool of sorts. I feel any cultural movement forward (as I think CC can easily posit itself as) is based at least partially on what has come before and a good understanding (or at least acknowledgment) of a legacy before is important to innovating for the future and moving towards a true 'commons' or 'gift economy'.

What good is knowledge (for future generations) if it can't be refined? If everyone just gave a little, wouldn't there be an abundance?

One of my favorite (paraphrased) quotes is "A person without a sense of their heritage is a like a tree without roots". - forgot who said it though. Anyone know?

Perhaps our ideas are always only starting points.

Beth Kanter

@BethP - I haven't come across situations where the license has been abused that often. Here's one example:

I handled it as a teachable moment.

Beth Kanter

Morgan: I once has a great conversation with a telecommunications scholar. I asked her how do you feel when people take your ideas or concepts - not necessarily your words - and run with them. She said "I feel great because as a scholar I want my ideas to spread." I guess we both feel the same way.

Michelle Samplin-Salgado

Hi Beth,

As you know, all of us at are big fans, so we were thrilled when Jennie attended WeAreMedia and came back and shared what she learned with our team. We recently did a training at the Office of Minority Health's Leadership Summit and remixed the Social Media Strategy map. It was a HUGE hit. Thanks again for being such a fantastic role model.


Beth Kanter

Thanks for stopping by and sharing that! What did you learn from doing the presentation? What insights did it generate for helping them build a strategy map?

Alan Levine

Beth- thanks for twitter tipping me to FairShare. It's an interesting idea, and I am giving it a fair shake, but am a bit underwhelmed... since I rely heavily on my trust network for recommendations, I'll keep an eye on its progress a bit longer than my normal reflex.

Firstly, the re-use of text from my blog posts are among the least interesting content to track. If I was a poet or publishing articles, it might be different. Most of your wonderful remix stories revolve and re-use of media, not text (I did see FairShare has a signup for a future image tool)

I get more indicators from rss feeds of google blog search, lesser so technorati (and I love that social media firehose yahoo pipes app you blogged a while back).

Mostly what I have seen in Fairshare in 2 days is noise. The "re-uses" are a number of aggregator sites (Alltop, AcademicCommons, etc). What I am also seeing are the cases where I create a blog post from flickr (write captions in flickr, then use flickr's publishing tools to push to my blog). FairShare is listing the flickr links as "copies" (which if there was a date check, it would see that the flickr post came first).

The one copy was where someone blockquoted a post and then just added to their post, "Wow".

The stats are interesting and would be of use were I needing to track my written content.

Of course, maybe what I write is not worth copying (that has been my position for a long time).

I am not negative on the idea here, just waiting to see if it produces something more for my possibly edge case. Thanks again for the tip!

Debra Askanase

Hi Beth,
Thanks for the "nudge" towards using Creative Commons. I'd been thinking about using it for a while and...I now proudly display it on my website. One of my hesitations was waiting to find out if CC was being widely adopted amongst bloggers. I think there has to be a cultural norm of acceptance for the weight of the imprint to be effective. I agree with Morgan Sully's previous comment about mapping, and think further that it would be an interesting mapping exercise to see who uses it and who those people are creatively.

Rebecca Krausehardie

I've been quoting others a bit in my webinars and trainings. How would you like to see yourself credited in those cases? A credit on the slide and a mention in a comment on slidecast?

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