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Thanks so much for the mention. We are media has been an invaluable resource, I'd send anyone there as a first step in developing a social media strategy. Organizations and companies are often quick to launch a social networking profile or a twitter account (which is great, and I'd recommend it), but we've also learned a lot by listening to what people are talking about -- hearing what matters to them. The concept of community is inherent in the mission of United Way. At our best, we are built and defined by it. Listening to that community is essential. Anyway... keep up the good work. You're trailblazing.

Walter Roark

At ThePort Network, we've found that our clients (especially nonprofits) benefit from listening closely to their constituents at all times. Managing an online community isn't just about monitoring and administration, it's learning about and adapting to members' opinions and needs. It's definitely and educational experience on both sides of the corporate-consumer fence. Just another reason why working in social networking can be so rewarding. Thank you for being a leading voice in the space.

Erin McMahon

Thanks, Beth and Lynn, for helping to highlight the work of United Way in the social media space! I work for Metro United Way in the metro Louisville region, and can't tell you how excited I was to see United Way in one of your post titles!


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