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« Tool Tip: How To Share Information Easily on Twitter | Main | NTEN and TechSoup Webinar: Share Your Story - ROI and Social Media - Slides and Notes »


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That is one of the best presentations on social media I have ever seen. That is perfect.

Tara Pringle Jefferson
The Cleveland Foundation

Graham Richards

Hi Beth,

All of the presentations from the conference have now been posted onto various SlideShare accounts. If anyone would like to get the links for them, please Tweet me on Twitter and let me know. My Twitter address is: @GrahamRichards

We're hoping to get MP3 files of all the speaker's presentations online in the next week as well.

This has to be one of the most socially networked events in the UK for charities. It's been great to see how many ways we were able to share the learning both during and after the event.

I'm now offering a local Tweetup type activity to follow up the day with any local participants who want to take things further. Watch this space!



Steve Bridger

Beth - great that the tech just about held up & the conference participants were all able to listen to the nuggets you so generously shared (at 6 in the morning!)

Thanks for embedding my presentation here. It was great fun to do!

Hope to see you over here - or at some event in the US sometime in the not-to-distant future.

Tara - thank you. Thank you.

Will Hull - eCommunications/eDevelopment Specialist

The presentation here stood out in my mind because of the powerful graphics. Very well done.

Thanks for posting it.

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