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« Getting Your Nonprofit Organization Ready To Listen | Main | Tweetathon: Jerry Lewis Meets PBS Pledge Drive To Promote Twitter Book and To Support Clean Drinking Water On Twitter »


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James Stewart

That report came as music to the ears of one of my clients/projects. Called "Generous" the site's been around for about four year, encouraging people to commit to a range of actions designed to help us all live a bit more generously.

One of the team posted some thoughts on the Trendwatching report at:

We really like the term "generous" to describe something that goes beyond a simple focus on being green towards an ethic that can inform all areas of how we live.


Thanks for posting my presentation Beth. I think the themes I express in it fit well with those of your writing

Alison Lowndes

Thanks for putting into words what I've been thinking for years .. big High Five to this, Beth! I love the internet mainly for its honesty & promotion (forceful or otherwise) of honesty, kindness and giving. Plain & Simple ~ Be Scroogeful and you're out!

Carrie Tucker

Good stuff, a great read that will keep me thinking. Thanks

Beth Kanter

Thinking more about cause marketing and social media and generosity

Britt Bravo

Along those lines, a friend recently forwarded me the link to Tim Sanders' Love is the Killer App.

"Is love really all you need? Tim Sanders, director of Yahoo's in-house think tank, believes love is the crucial element in the search for personal and professional success. In Love Is the Killer App he explains why."


Great post. I believe the generation generosity concept is long overdue. Like they said "it's not a new concept". It just seemed to have taken a long time for people to really apply it. Hope it really takes off with more organizations and companies.


I'm so glad to read this today, because it seems I've caught the "bug". It's time to bring some balance by giving, but also by leveling the playing field by sharing. I'd like to see all of the extra stuff left behind by families who've rapidly vacated after a foreclosure donated to the former homeowner's local charities. Maybe that's just one way we can watch some good come out of such a tough economic climate.

Ryan Quiel

This report is a key asset to use in helping to leverage donor matches from corporation's marketing departments. Adding a corp donor match into a social environment is a win-win in this current economy for corp brand building.

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