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Amber Naslund


Fantastic post, and some incredibly practical information about how to build effective searches.That's the cumbersome part for lots of people: what, exactly, should I look for? What I always suggest for people is to think outside the realm of communications, and across the company for how more intelligence can help all areas of the organization do their job better. Development, programs/services, even finance and operations. Inevitably, there are those "I really wish I knew what our community thought about..." questions that monitoring can sometimes help answer.

As for the engagement piece, there are no blanket answers, but there can be some helpful guidelines. I'm hoping to tackle more of these in future posts, based on what I'm hearing from organizations as well as my own experiences. Look forward to sharing those, and your insights on them too.


Lucy Bernholz

Great post! Someone once said (how's that for a reference) that if you want to know the future of your industry, 80% of what matters will come from other industries. In this regard, I think the tips you provide are right on, and the next step is how to apply these listening skills to the world beyond...our own organizations, our own industries, our own bubbles. Some of the tips still apply - just need different keywords or to "lurk" in different conversations.
As wonderful as social media and online tools are for listening to those we know, they are really expansive when it comes to broadening our conversations and opening our ears to others. This too takes some deliberate effort, but is well worth it when you're trying to manage for the present and peak around the corner a bit.

Sharon Wilson

I enjoyed your post. Tips are right on the money. Thanks for sharing.

Qui Diaz

Ooooh we were channeling each other, I love it. "Pattern Analysis" is so treacherous sometimes!



Beth, I really appreciate you breaking it down into simple steps. I REALLY think this is exactly the kind of practical information nonprofits and pretty much anyone else in the world needs when getting started with social media.

I talk a little about listening here:

... People need to think about listening in social media just like in real life. Others want to be listened to and heard.


I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


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