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« Birthday Campaign Update: $2,929 Raised From 50 People - Need $2,321 for Matching Money - Can We Do It? | Main | If you were stuck on a desert island, and could only follow 150 people on Twitter, who would you follow and why? »


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Standtall-The Activist

This is really an awesome news. Web 2.0 has so many advantages.

A blogger Grahamn Kracker helped me raise 250 USD to neuter my cats using pay pal account on his blog. I was delighted

Another blogger via blogging gave a co-blogger links to get a job to sustain herself through school. She was delighted

I am happy these tools are here to make things work better for us


This is an example of how social networking and the connections we build virtually...are not just more friends or followers - they are and can be genuine human connections - and when one of those connections asks for help - those connections respond with kindness and generosity. It's a beautiful thing...


My God, this gives me hope that we can accomplish our mission as well. I have a bad bad back and need help too.
I do not have a large social media following, but I am working on it. We are determined. We must fix mike.


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