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Geoff Livingston

Thanks, Beth. At the same time, it does provide us a basis to move forward, and that for me is really my base line. Like the economy, until we hit bottom, we'll never be able to move forward. Let's hope we don't have to dig deeper into our darker natures for that bottom.

Rodney Rumford

I totally agree that the line between personal time and professional time. I have worked virtually for almost 15 years and as the CEO of a small strategy & consulting agency we see this continuing. Also non technical careers are seeing this blurring and virtualization occur.

The lines between professional and personal are also very blurred and there is becoming less distinction.Thanks for the tweets regarding the study.

I do a "Mind Share" which I share with people about what is interesting, compelling and important to me (personal and primarily biz related). The lines and times for me are totally blurred and intermixed.

Rodney Rumford

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