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Dave Tinker, CFRE

Thanks for the heads up on Givelist. Count me in for the book drawing. Dave Tinker, [email protected]

Tori Tuncan

This is a book I'd love to read! Please add me to the group! :) THANK YOU!

Ryan Moede

I too, still enjoy a nice old-fashioned technology experience with a good book. Especially one by Seth Godin.

Wendy Scherer

Hi - I read your blog frequently and follow you on Twitter - decided to leave a comment (rather than continue to lurk) because I'd love to be in the drawing for the book! I'd read it (quickly) and pass it on to a colleague (I already know who!).

Happy Wednesday.


What a wonderful post and fantastic idea! Due to a recent combining of households, I've actually got some extra blankets we don't need -- thanks for the tip regarding animal shelter's - I'm going to look into it. I would love a copy of Tribes ([email protected]). Happy holidays!

Apollo Gonzales

Funny, I just added this to the top of my "Must Read Before 2009" list. It made it to the top of my list after reading this over at The Social Media Today his morning:

Fingers crossed!

Apollo Gonzales
[email protected]

Michelle (The Beartwinsmom)

Hello!! Please add me to this list- I was just thinking of another way to pay it forward- reading to senior citizens at the retirement homes.

I found out about this giveaway from Twitter (from @lend4health). Thank you for hosting it!

Meaghan Lamarre

What a fabulous idea! Tribes has been on my reading list for a while now just haven't gotten around to it. I'd love to participate in this process!

Craig Weinrich

Good idea! I promise if I am the winner to pay this book forward!

Feedback Secrets

The most interesting idea I got from this post is that a gift actually becomes more valuable each and every time it is passed along.

I once met a man on the street who asked me "What's the greatest love you get to keep?" When I told him I didn't know, he said "It's the love that you give away".

Somehow I can't help but think that the two ideas are related.


Great ideas. I'm involved in a children's book drive for a local elementary school that has indicated need, and I like the children's hospital idea too. For the book: [email protected]

Mary Wehrle

I love this idea! I would also love to have a copy of the book Tribes. I have been unemployed for the past year so I can't afford to purchase a copy of it for myself. I promise I will read the book and pass it along.

With respect to your other books, have you ever used It's a great way to release good books into the "wild" to share with others.


Hi Beth - I have two additional TRIBES books that I would like to throw into your pay it forward mix...if you like.

And I'll even include a Culebra postcard as a bookmark for each one too.

If you would like them, just email me, or get me on twitter @mark_hayward.

Kind regards,
Mark H

Rebecca Stees

I am the middle gal of pay it forward.

When I'm lucky, some citizens of Alameda, CA move their abundance over to my ARt YoWZA CAMP porch.

I've had many good surprises:

• 100+ bottles of nail polish
(great but stinky paint for Passion for Fashion Camp Week),

•vintage Coast Guard maps
(great for plotting treasure during Pirate Camp),

• and perfect plastic petri dishes
(better to make glittery DISCO POTATO Camp ornaments)

I want to be the leader of the bold creative fun tribe.
And oh, to get started and speak up!

Rebecca Stees
[email protected]

Tanya (aka NetChick)

Hi Beth!

I'd so *love* to win a copy of "Tribes" -- Seth is my personal social media hero.

Thanks for putting this on!

Happy holidays!


Ooh, I'd love it! Thanks!

Jeff Gordon

Great idea, love it. If I get picked I'll pay it forward once I finish it!

Joe Hungler

Great idea Beth. Paying forward is always a great idea, especially during the holidays.



Please include me in your drawing! Thanks!


I would love to get a copy of tribes ([email protected])! Here's a couple more pay it forward ideas:
1) If you're a chef or you just have some good recipie sense. Take a trip over to your local food bank and ask the people working there about what they regularly have on the shelf. Take the list home and then create a healthy cook book only using what is normally at the food shelf. Print a ton of copies (might be able to get someone to agree to do it for free) and then give them to the food shelf/pantry.
2) If you're not a chef...take some of the better items out of your pantry and donate it to the food pantry.


Hi Beth! I'm almost finished with my copy of "Causewired" by Tom Watson - which I won here on your blog.

Tom wrote a fantastic book and I'm enjoying it immensely, but when I'm done I'll need more reading material! So, here I am being greedy and hoping I win a copy of "Tribes" as well!

PS - love the GiveList! Will be adding this to it: Asked for donations of winter scarves/gloves for my clients, but got some donations of yarn. So, I'm crocheting the scarves myself & will give them to as many of my clients as possible during the holidays (my fingers are tired, lol!). They will most likely be the only gifts they'll get.

Lisa Colton

Great idea, Beth! I appreciate all your recommendations (you should see the skyscraper on my night table - trying to fit in one parenting book for each 5 social media books!). I'd love to see a blog post about Tribes to hear what you took away from it, and perhaps highlighting examples of such "shifts" you've seen in real orgs/leadership, and any insights on how to make such a shift... Count me in for the book giveaway. And... Thanks for promoting Allison Fine's brilliant and creative ideas. Where does she find the time?!


i am so 19th century also
i have bookcases filled of books i have read and stacks more on the floor of every room...

Fahrenheit 451 made such an impact on me as a kid
a half century later and i still cant get enough
time to read everything on my wish list
but i keep trying

as you mentioned money is tight
i donated my time to create a site for a local charity
my way of giving back

there are ways if you look
glad you are fighting the good fight and pointing out the obvious!

Cynthia Trevino

Thanks for the keep-the-social-media-books moving ideas. I can't donate my novels to the library until at least 2 of my friends have read them (guess I want to know that the books were enjoyed...selfish?). On vacations to Nantucket Island, my husband and I placed our just-read novels in the post office mail slots. Again, selfish (too much to carry home). Hope they were shared.

Am reading Tribes now and will pass it along on my blog when finished.

Thank you

Whitney Anderson

Count me in for your drawing please!

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