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Sue Waters

I also use Postrank to analyse my blog post but it was much easier when they were AidRSS to see how each post was ranked. Would like to know more about the formula they are using to rank the posts.

For example when you look at the posts on The Edublogger that ranked 10 these were mostly posts with very high comments. For some of these posts having a high number of comments doesn't mean they are great posts. Whereas twitter links appears to be important for ranking on your posts.

So I decided to use PostRank but stick to Tony Karrer's method of number of delicious saves as an indicator.

Melanie Baker

Hi Beth -- Thank you for helping spread the word.

I can never reach everyone, so it's always amazing to see publishers not only using the tools, but helping others understand how they work and how they can implement them in ways that are valuable to their blogs, projects, and businesses.

Also, congratulations on having so many top-ranked posts!

Matthew Cornell

Hi Beth.

> This analysis took all of five minutes.

What would really help would be instructions on how you actually did this, so we can re-create. Thanks.

Matthew Cornell

I found how to do this (didn't see this in your post): Create postrank account, add feed, wait for import, click add widget, change # of posts, and copy/etc. Thank you.

Matthew Cornell

Here's my little follow-up. Thanks for the idea!

Matthew Cornell

(Crud - the last didn't go through.)

Here's my little follow-up. Thanks for the idea!

IdeaLab 0105: Top 15 Posts According To PostRank

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