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« Twitter for Dummies: Nominate A Charity to Receive Proceeds - I nominated one of the first Charities to raise money using Twitter ... | Main | Need Your Help for a BlogHer Post: Kids and Philanthropy »


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Christine Egger

Great post, Beth. I especially appreciate the addition to demographics analysis to Peter's predictions (which I heartily agree with, although I'd put it out to 2015 or so). The distinct differences between the under 44/over 44 demographics, by the way, provide a much needed explanation for why my husband (45) is firmly in the email-only camp whereas I (42) am rapidly becoming much more accustomed to Facebook and Twitter style communications. :)

I'm not sure that email will remain the communication-of-choice in the office environment... can imagine a hybrid between Twitter and email... picturing a carrier pidgeon avatar here... that allows you to direct message (to many) via Twitter and ALSO allows you to attach documents, rather than just embed a link.

Your write-up on ways to operationalize "microsharing" provides a great intro in where that evolution is heading: Will be fun, as always, to see where it all goes...

Beth Kanter

Here's a response from twitpay

about their nonprofit fundraising approach

Jeremy Raines

Hi Beth, I'm one of the founders of Twitpay, and I think the charity use case is very exciting. The only hurdle at this point is being able to cash out your Twitpay account in real money (as opposed to Amazon credit or a donation to one of our 9 founder-chosen charities). This is just a legal issue that micropayment services face and should be sorted out fairly soon (definitely before 2012!), and we look forward to not just facilitating Twitter-based fundraising but also promoting the concept in general and specific campaigns that utilize Twitpay.



Beth Kanter

I'm thinking that using twitter to direct donations to a secure and respected donation third party like Networked For Good might be in the future. Right now it is like monopoly money!

John Treadway

Beth and Jeremy -

I'd love to see if we can make this happen sooner than later. Givvy already has a database of the U.S. charities and a connection to Network for Good for donations. We're releasing our search API shortly and would be interested in seeing if we can come up with some way to make the twit2donate model work now.

Hit me up at jtreadway ...


Will Hull - United Cerebral Palsy eCommunications/eDevelopment Specialist

Thanks for the information Beth. I totally agree and infact as part of an exercise in my latest graduate level class, I was asked to submit a proposal for research. I chose "A willingness to donate using the Facebook Causes application." I can share it with you if you like. I don't have results as it was just a proposal and part of an exercise in research methods and statistical application techniques.

Long story short, my design was to take 400 nonprofits who have self-identified as a "health" nonprofit of the over 24,000 "health" nonprofits and take the percentage of people who have donated from each one of those against the total number of cause members and compare that against the mean (average) of those that donated before the causes application existed (which would be zero, since it didn't exist before May 2007) and my statistical analysis would be if the change in the mean were statistically significant or not.

This would measure the willingness to donate amongst cause members of health nonprofits on Facebook. Of course, as always there would be limitations on the research, but it is a start in the direction of thinking about how we could measure and quantify results from social networking starting with, in my mind, one of the most developed in fundraising methods and visited social networks available.

Let me know, I could get you a copy, but remember it is just a graduate paper and not actual research.


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