On the road again for the next couple of weeks, including a trip to Romania. I'm facilitating a couple of workshops as part of the Social Media track for annual conference for the Center for Nonprofit Excellence in Louisville, KY.
I'm doing two workshops. The first is 90 minutes that is an introduction to strategic social media for nonprofits. It will look at the what, why, and what to think about before jumping in. The second session is the Kentucky Derby version of the Social Media Game.
The value of this game is in the reiteration, remixing, and of course sharing. The social media game is based on workshop game that David Wilcox created for a workshop we did in Birmingham for LASA two years ago based on those Drew Mackie and David had developed over the past 10 years. (You can find David's training games here.)
David has reiterated this game over and over for different audiences and circumstances and I've remixed the game for filmmakers, took it to Cambodia and more recently to Hawaii. On the long plane ride back to the mainland, reflected on what work and what didn't in Hawaii. My thoughts are here.
Sometimes I wish that I simply did the same slide show, talk, and workshop again and again and again. But, what fun would that be? I'd bore myself. Every time I do a training - and most are on the same set of topics, I try something new.
For this workshop and version of the game, since I only have 2.5 hours in two sections - I simplified the game. I will have all the groups work on the same scenario so once the first group reports - the others can shorten their report outs. The one scenario I came up - is a little fanciful - so we don't get stuck in the rut of "we tried that and it didn't work," but real enough to get value from the simulation experience.
In Hawaii, each small group had a social media expert to facilitate the discussion - so the mix of beginners with advanced was okay. I'm lucky thought that a few people from nonprofits who have experience implementing social media strategies will be in the room.
I set up a wiki where I've collected links to others who have remixed and was hoping to create some templates and source material for people to remix it.
After Louisville, I go to Minneapolis where I am doing a version of the workshop at the Search Institute. This group will most likely be beginners or just getting started and I have created a "Let's Get Started" version of the game and will share later. In Romania, the version I'll create will be for blogging strategies.
This is great! Thanks for your generosity in sharing this! I can see what we'll be doing with a fair chunk of the next team away day. If we come up with a worthwhile re-mix, will definitely post it.
Posted by: Michael Clarke | November 05, 2008 at 09:27 AM
I am so grateful that this slide presentation is available to those of at the workshop today who will most likely do some follow-up coaching with those in need. I was really happy to see such age diversity in the room. I hope we can keep the momentum going in Louisville. Thanks Beth!
Posted by: Ashley Cecil | November 05, 2008 at 08:06 PM