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Emily Kornblut

It's interesting to hear that your difficulty in exploring the color of the social web manifested itself in figuring out the right search terms. At NECC this year, a few of us struggled with similar questions about equity, diversity, and the participation of educators of color in the ed tech conversation; turned out that searching the program by keyword lead to few answers there, as well. I can't help but wonder, to what extent is this an issue of how those participating in the social web who care about equity are categorizing that conversation with the "right" terms? And what's more, to what extent do we bring with us to the web the f2f labels and categories other people put on us, and we put on ourselves? I think we still have a lot to learn about how those identities transfer, or not.

By the way, I have photos of young people of color using computers (although it never would have occurred to me to tag them as such). You're welcome to them - here are a couple examples:



i need a grant :) how about if you help get me a grant so i can buy myself a couple of months to focus on all the research i've done but haven't been able to organize into a coherent series of articles because ... ahem ... have to work on other things for a living.

it's frustrating because the people and/or organizations that are allegedly doing this kind of research are really not asking the right questions or focusing on the right technologies either.

anyhow, i have a presentation i have to finish that will help you answer a majority of your questions. let me see if i can get to that soon.

/ liza

sigh, indeed.


the web is the first place where I finally found a LOT of people who look like me. It wasn't uncomfortable to talk about my multiracial background, and I actually SAW people who LOOKED LIKE ME for the first time.

The Web is any color you want it to be :) it's a beautiful thing.


Also this site changed my life, and I found it on the web:

It's the Hapa Project.


Hi Beth, I love your blog, it inspires me. Check out the picture of a youth media team in Rwanda crowded around their computer. I love this picture for the looks of intensity on their faces and the colors.


here is the link I meant to include:

Michelle Samplin-Salgado

This is a great post and a topic that is near and dear to us at We actually held a webinar last month, "Underserved Populations and New Media Use" to help us answer the same question: what color is the social web?

A podcast of the webinar, along with transcripts, is available at

And we blogged about the subject:

We've learned so much from you, Beth, and hope this information helps to answer the question about the color of the social web. We'll share more as we learn more and look forward to continuing the conversation.

Beth Kanter

I cross posted this story over at blogher and got some more leads on this topic:

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