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« An Interview with Rebecca Corliss: A Millenial Who Wants to Change the World | Main | Blog Action Day: Make A Comment and Raise A $1 for Capital Area Food Bank »


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Thought provoking! Helping people help themselves seems to be the short answer to reducing poverty. And there are many ways to do that.

kouji haiku

cool. already posted for blog action day. :)

i love kiva. :) am currently unable to make a donation though, so i put up its banner on my blog (as well as that of freerice and goodsearch).

saw this post via the front page of blog action day. it's great that you're participating. :)

KivaB4B Team

HI all.
KivaB4B is contributing $10,000 to support Blog Action Day. KivaB4B is a new partnership between Kiva and Advanta Bank that lets you double the loans you make through Kiva, up to $200/month. It's a very cool program. Check it out at There's also a very unique affiliate program they offer to blogs and other sites. There's a description on the blog,

KivaB4B Team

John Haydon


“We can end extreme poverty - but I have to tell the students the bad news: it’s your homework” - Dr. Jeffrey Sachs

In his book he wrote about how he used the popularity of Bono (a close friend of his), as a "Billboard" for the global poverty discussion. Jeff used all available tools (including his relationship with Bono) to get his message out.

The lesson? Getting the job done is all about using the right tools.

I wrote a post today about SocialAction and mGive - two social media tools that leverage a person's slightest motivation to give.


David Hylton

Great post - and some very interesting thoughts. I wanted to pass along Christian Children's Fund blog to let you know that what we're doing today:

kouji haiku

ah, interesting. one way bono helps move the debate, that i hadn't really though of.


I donate to Heifer International, a wonderful global non-profit organization that teaches rural poor families how to care for animals (goats or cows, etc.) and then gives them animals to start, with the understanding that they share baby animals with their neighbors. Results in more food and more income, thus better education for their children.


Thank you for this post! I work for an organization called Millennium Promise, co-founded by Professor Jeffrey Sachs, and we are working in many of the areas like allowing people to help themselves that you described above. One of our initiatives, the Millennium Villages project, uses a holistic, integrated and community-led approach to help rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa lift themselves out of extreme poverty. We provide tools and resources for interventions in agriculture, education, health and infrastructure - and we do it all at once, with the community leading and managing all of the projects. Currently, the project reaches 80 villages in 10 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
Check out our site:
Thanks again!

sguml lrixbz

xavkfzinq idqrtf jmydhoelc nqsx wntzxad lmnyz itxzmou

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