Photo by Brian Caldwell
This week on WeAreMedia we're working on the Tactical Module 3: Sharing Your Story Social Media Style. We've gotten some excellent "user generated" content (for example, check out the tips). But, we need some more content.
If you have five minutes, and your nonprofit has a blog, podcast, youtube channel, or flickr stream that you think is an awesome example of sharing your story social media style -- add a link to it and tell us why it is awesome. Go here to add your organization.
I asked folks on Twitter for mini case studies from nonprofits who have been successful getting stakeholders to contribute content. The list of suggestions follows below, but I need more information. I'm blogging them here so if you are from the organization or know someone - you can easily add the information here or simply add a link to case study you've written about the project. If you want to contribute one and aren't on the list - please add your information here or in the comments.
1. Unitus Empowering Women campaign
Suggested by
2. Squidoo for Heart Kids by
3. LOL Seals
Suggested by
4. Sharing Hope TV
Get David Neff to fill in.5. Working Films
5. Everything's Cool
Suggested by
Need more details to figure this out - urls
6. Threadless from the Red Cross
Who implemented this project and could answer questions?