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« How the Chronicle of Philanthropy's Peter Panepento Uses Twitter Conversations | Main | An Interview with Jessica Rauch about The Generation Project: Passionate about Teaching Young People »


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Alex Berger


First - Congratulations on 22 years and 29 together! A truly wonderful achievement, especially in the modern marital climate.

Second - Great post, can't wait to get into those links you posted.

My only immediate thought to add is that people, fundamentally, want to help and engage in each other. However, they're typically overloaded and need to overcome cultural messages/obstacles first. Reach out to them, engage them, and they will almost always be eager to help you - often to a surprising degree.

Stephanie McAuliffe

Congratulations on your journey together, wonderful photo

Michael Hoffman


Mazal Tov! Not too far behind you. Great advice on the bloggers. I will be speaking at Blog World Expo in Vegas next weekend and hopefully will come back with more ideas.

Michael Hoffman




I think it all comes down to building real relationships with the blogger and not just trying to get them to push your stuff.

What do most bloggers want ... people to enjoy what their content and contribute to their blog by COMMENTING on their posts and keeping the conversation going.

I've found that top notch bloggers will respect you if you spend time reading their posts and making thoughtful comments. And i know there are lot's of people saying that this is important, but it's amazing how little people actually spend the time to write meaningful comments.

Once you start the relationship through commenting, it then becomes easier to connect with them in places like twitter - allowing you to take the relationship to the next level.

My feeling is that you should only 'pitch' a blogger once you have started connecting with them consistently.


Ashley Messick

First I echo everyone in offering sincere congrats to you! What a truly amazing accomplishment and one that should be applauded.

My thought to add might be to your third point:

"Be succinct and make a clear connection between what the blogger is interested in writing about and your program or organization or whatever your pitching."

A way to also aid in building the connection is that when you do get to the point of making the pitch encourage the blogger to collaborate with you on finding the final topic for the contributed piece. Not that you should go in without an idea of their interests and what suggestions you may have for them - but a good brainstorming session can often not only come up with an even better topic for the contributed piece but can also strengthen that relationship that you have already been diligently building.

Eugene Chan

Happy Anniversary! My wife and I just celebrated our tenth!

Lauren O'Grady

Congratulations wow 22 years as a 28 year old. I am very impressed and happy for you both. Congratulations !


Great post! I think it's always important to focus on the golden rule when you are talking social media. Respect is crucial even online. Begging for blog posts isn't very attractive. But I'll always help a friend if they ask...

Chris Brogan...

Happy happy happy Anniversary! : )


Happy anniversary! Thanks for continuing the conversation about this issue. One word that was repeated multiple times in the research I did and that was "respect." Without that there is no relationship.

Erin Stojan Ruccolo

Great post--and congrats on the anniversary. That wedding picture is just adorable :)

Shailesh Ghimire


First of all congratulations on your 22dn anniversary. So, happy for you guys!

Your post was very timely for me. I'm working with several businesses that are trying to do some kind of blogger outreach and as a blogger I certainly know the way I'd like to be approached and certainly that is true for other bloggers as well.

I think the main mistake companies can make is thinking that bloggers are just like newspapers guys from the olden days. They're not, we blog because we're passionate about the topic we are dealing with and love it, so if the pitch is just a pitch then we're not interested. It's like a relationship, which you've so beautifully demonstrated in your post.


Great comparison between relationships and pitching. I especially like the not asking someone to marry you on a first date! Hee.

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