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« Working Wikily: WeAreMedia Next Steps, Challenges, and Your Observations | Main | Seeking A Real Life Example: Under what circumstances should your organization not pursue a social media strategy? »


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This post is really interesting, because when I decided to put The Women's Museum on Facebook, the only thing I really considered was making a Fan Page, not a group. This may be in part because of my personal experience using Facebook - groups seem to be more transient, and I think Fan Pages have a lot of the features of groups, but with a different membership function.

Fan pages let someone become a "Fan" without being a member, so depending on your organization, one may fit your needs better. Being a Museum, our "members" are something different than our "fans", and we want to keep those separate.

I would stay with whatever method you're currently using. Moving from one form to the other could cost you users.


When I created the CSO fan page, I looked at both options, group or fan page, but came to the conclusion that the fan page has a much more official feel to it and the options, especially with apps, seemed much broader. Fan pages also give you great statistics about who the fans are, age groups and male/female ratio etc. and how many visitors you get.

I personally feel that Fan Pages have a lower entry barrier than a Group. It seems people are more inclined to just become a fan than a group member.

But a group can definitely serve its purpose. Maybe you can have one Fan Page and several groups for side projects, exhibits or programs.


I have been in charge of growing a Facebook presence for Tamarack – An Institute for Community Engagement, a small non-profit.

Pages or Groups? While this seems like the question at hand, the more important first question you and your organization should be asking is what do you want to get out of your space and presence on Facebook and what do you hope to achieve in the end?

One blog sums it up in a concise yet very accurate manner, Tim writes which choice he would go with based on a certain situation:

"Pages - if I wanted a long-term public record of the dialogue, and wanted to engage young people via Facebook over the longer term

Groups - if I wanted to quickly host a discussion with those already on Facebook, but without building a presence on Facebook right now."

Michael Wesolowski

Thanks for the input.
The Group & Fan pages sound so similar, the differences seem to be no-login access to the fan page, and that it offers statistics; which I wish was offered throughout FB properties and Apps.
How does your pages fit into your overall communications strategy?


Hmmm... I thought I heard somewhere that there's a difference in how you can communicate with your fans/followers between groups and pages; that is, one way you can only communicate with so many people in the group at one time, and the other you can communicate with all "fans" at once. Does that sound right to anyone else, or am I just making things up? : )


I agree with all of you about Goal and Objectives, and that having a clear understanding of a project is Key. Without goals and objectives, to quote Zig Ziggler, “you are either a wandering generality or a meaningful specific.” But the anatomy of a project also contains target audience, concept development, implementation, and results analysis.
For me implementation has been particularly challenging. Lots more is being written about web 2.0 than how-to. Learning about 101 issues, language details and nuances of web 2.0 before jumping into my Facebook project has been challenging, in addition to how the pieces-parts Velcro together.

Betsy Harman

I found this article which I thought was a good explanation of the reasons to use pages versus groups.

With groups you can be more viral because everyone in the group can send bulk invites to their friends to join the group. I've noticed that several organizations use both pages and groups. For example WGBH uses pages and also has a volunteer group. Whereas the page may be the main face of the org you could have multiple groups each with specific purposes and contituencies - the Junior Board, volunteers, etc...

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