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« Happy Belated Birthday Millie Garfield! | Main | Andy Carvin Sets Up Gustav Information Center on Ning »


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Great post - full of information. I need to set aside a hour or so to re-read and absorb it.

Thanks for spending the time on this though. I was watching the video stream of gomedex and the twitter updates. It's pretty amazing what happened. It really shows the power and potential of social media!!


Christine Egger

**Thank you** Beth for the thorough, out-loud, easy to follow Q&A analysis. You're demystifying the process for the benefit of countless others. Congrats on the success of your campaign and double-the-congrats for teaching that the gold is the double-loop learning opportunity. I couldn't agree more!

anne jackson

thanks for the link. my readers are uberlously generous. in the last six months, almost 100k has been donated. they rock!

Kate Foy

thank you for this. You are making a big difference out there. I can't help but feel the next generation of non-profit activists are going to be using approaches such as this as a matter of course.
Warm regards.


Hi Beth,

Thanks for an insightful post! I really enjoyed your detailed description and analysis of your "experiment."

Dan Bassill

As usual, you provide great information. I've a question.

In your example, you pointed on the needs of a single person, with a great, compelling, story. On a larger scale, the Gustav responses set up by Andy and others, are responding to a large scale disaster unfolding right now. There is great relevance, and human interest, and so hopefully there will also be a huge response.

However, three years after Katrina, there are still many places, and thousands of people, who still need donations of time, talent and dollars to rebuild their lives. There are hundreds of thousands of people spread over hundreds(thousands?) of miles who still need help following the Tsunami and similar disasters.

How can we use these social networking tools, and our networks, to draw consistent attention, and donations, to hundreds of places where the same work needs to be done by different people, in different places?

I'm trying to add GIS maps into this networking process, so that as we point to a highly visible story taking place in one part of the world, we can keep attention on the thousands of less visible stories taking place in many other parts of the world. You can see examples on my blog.

In my networking I'm trying to find others who are taking on intermediary roles, to point people they know, to the maps, and to the non profits working similar social benefit endeavors, in different parts of the world. In short, I'd like to find ways to duplicate what you and Andy are doing, but on an everyday basis, so that on any given day someone is doing something to draw donors to internet hubs, where they shop for what cause they want to support, and for what country, state, city and place where they give their time and talent and dollars.

I'm sure others must be thinking along the same lines. Where are they connecting with each other? Do you have some examples of intermediaries using these social networking tools to draw more consistent support to ongoing non profits, not just crisis response efforts?

Thanks for your great work.

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