Magnetic Poetry by Surreal Muse
The SXSW Interactive Festival panel picker process closes on August 29th at 11:59 PM which means you have only a couple of days left to vote for as many panels as you think are worthy of being on the program or not. I did a roundup of all the fantastic nonprofit panel submissions if you want help nonprofits get on the agenda there.
I've been in brainstorm mode for a panel called Social and Nonprofits ROI: Case Study Slam that I submitted.
Here's the description:
a poetry slam format, each panelist will present a five-minute poem or
story about how their organization has successfully implemented a
social media strategy experiment and how they considered the ROI. The
audience will have ample opportunity to ask questions and respond.
This is a new and improved version of the Social Media Case Study Slam I organized at the NTC last year. I've gathered up some of best of the best folks in the nonprofit tech field to share their stories, metrics, and lessons learned in verse or story format. I will do an overview connecting the idea of metrics to poetry ... How do I measure thee, let me count the ways, etc) or social media metrics haiku or limerick, or maybe create fridge magnets. I hope it will be informative AND entertaining.
So, what's a poetry slam? It is a competition at which poets read or recite original work. These performances are then judged on a numeric scale by judges. I happen to notice that was a there's a rock star panel (Charlene Li, formerly with Forrester and co-author of Groundswell; Katie Paine, of KD Paine & Partners and author of Measuring Public Relationships; and Avinash Kaushik, Google evangelist and author of Web Analytics: An Hour A Day) with measurement gurus called "Measure This!" organized by Kami Huyse.
I thought it might be possible to get a few judges from this esteemed group -- if this panel gets accepted.
However, I'm going to suggest a tweak in the judging concept because I think holding up a number score alone won't help with learning or insights about nonprofits and social media ROI. I think the judges should offer a brief reflection in response. What do you think?
(I've also submitted another panel titled THIS is Iron Chef … Battle Non Profit and will participate as a panelist on Social Change Behind the FireWall submitted by Holly Ross
Criticism in Hyku ;-)
Posted by: Kami Huyse | August 27, 2008 at 12:52 PM
Or an appreciative inquiry in iambic pentameter.
Posted by: Beth Kanter | August 27, 2008 at 01:42 PM
The way to make a panel have some zip
Is listen to the rhymes and let it rip.
Posted by: Kami Huyse | August 27, 2008 at 02:19 PM
and from those jingles, the audience learns
the value that a social media project earns
and picks up a measurement tip
Posted by: Beth Kanter | August 28, 2008 at 03:37 AM
When I first proposed a panel called social media ROI poetry slam
The panelists gasped and said oh damn
You mean I have to make my powerpoint rhyme
and share my story is such a small amount of time?
Posted by: Beth Kanter | August 28, 2008 at 03:44 AM