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I found this article in Time Magazine really sad - inability to pay attention.

Alicia C. Staley (@stales)

I think this is an interesting discussion. Email has morphed into this catch-all communication black hole. My team is working to "redefine" what email really means for us.... Quick messages to to IM, SMS accounts. Discussions about a specific topic get pushed to our wikispace. It's quite a challenge. I'd love to see how more non-profits are dealing with this as well!

Chad Brown

I'm a big fan of the pick-up-the phone and face to face. You can't discount the emotional content of communication that can't be gleaned electronically. I like the idea of moving different conversations to different platforms such as IM, wiki and SMS accounts. The technical education barriers in a multi-generational office makes this challenging in my current organizational situation. (E.g. I work with some people that still keep paper calendars!)

Amy Lenzo

I agree with you on all but one item in your riffing - but I guess I've just resigned myself to dealing with a LOT of email. I confine myself to checking email from my office tho - can't see doing it on the toilet - t'would probably clog up the whole works! - and my bedroom is just for sleeping and oh, you know. Not email, anyway.

The thing on your list I don't agree with - for myself - is the no need to say thanks. It's very easy for me to read and delete simple "thanks" messages, and they let me know my message has been received.

Similarly I'm never sure what to do with "reply all" choices - presumably people are on there because they need to be kept in the loop, and it's certainly less time-consuming than having to go back and reconstruct disparate parts of a conversation. So I don't mind being part of a cc list - If I don't need to respond, I can just file it for future reference.

Norman Reiss

Beth, one tip I heard recently was to only check email a few times a day and to let co-workers know through your auto reply that this will be your schedule, while providing a phone number for more urgent issues. If you try to respond to everything as quickly as it comes in, then it will only create more email in response, creating an endless cycle of increasing volume.

Regards, NHR

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