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« WeAreMedia Module 2: What happens when you treat social media like communications media .... | Main | Working Wikily: Slow Community in the Online Context »


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hey beth..just found you and signed up for your feed. am gonna attend your session in blogher 08. haven't forgotten you/your story about raising $$ for your cambodia work...i recall last blogher 07 chicago you were about to launch over there...i need to search your blog and find out what became of your efforts...i adored seeing on blogher a post about you teaching your son how to use blogging/video/etc.
would value your opinion on a blogging platform and host. you're a socially conscious writer who 'gets' the potentials of the internet to bring healing to the world online :) (to me you do anyway)...i would just so value your opinion. meanwhile, i'm mik wrangling a lot of blogger but have free time to come to your session. looking forward to it..any sites you'd recommend i research/review before your session? happy planning and prepping and traveling to san fran. can't wait to reconnect in person...i'm sooo very interested in adoption but need to establish my web presence and endeavors that way...hugs for allllllll you are doing. you have no idea how many people i've told about your work. ;) thank you for your constant example of what is doable...for women, for bloggers, for people who care about their neighbors...for seeing beyond and over and through all borders (mentally and politically and otherwise). hugs, tre ;)

Michele Martin

Hey Beth--wrote follow-up post on this with some ideas. I also uploaded a document we may be able to modify for this.

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