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« Where have all the "twammers" gone? (Twitter Spammers) Hope they don't go to FriendFeed .. | Main | Can A Blogging Work Flow Tool Help Me Be More Productive? »


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chris eaton

Thank you for this, its a perfect resource as i am beginning to cultivate my organizations facebook strategy. I believe the biggest problem with facebook for non-profits is the lack of direct messaging. Because users can only post to the wall of a page or in a discussion group instead of messaging someone personally, facebook does not provide the one on one conversation that really makes organizing possible.

There is another large problem with leveraging the network effect and multi-channel strategy: Facebook is a black box with no solid information on how notes, posted items and applications get into the news or mini-feeds. Without this information, knowing which channels/tools to use and when is very difficult. I look forward to reading all thats been linked to here and maybe filling some of this information gap.

Chris Eaton
Online Community Organizer
Greenpeace USA

Peter Njenga

This is a good article Beth.
With Social Networks, I realise that users do drive these networks. Your strategy should therefore be predicated on providing a rich user experience that enables them achieve their goals on your site.
Yes, you can drive traffic your way using social networks. Question is, Do these people find anything useful on your site to keep them coming back?
These social networks are not an end in themselves. But they provide a viable link on your way there.

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