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Scarlett Swerdlow

The item on the slide that resonates most with me is "One Way: Delivering a Message" versus "Two Way: Being Part of a Conversation." In my mind, this is how I most commonly distinguish traditional communications tools from social media tools.

For example, our e-newsletter is a traditional communications tool (even though it's Internet-based) because it's about us delivering a message. If we were to take more or less the same content from our e-newsletter and throw it up on a blog, then we'd be in the realm of social media, assuming we had an active and vibrant community around our blog.

Communications goals that involve participation, activation, strengthening, etc., are ripe for social media tools because those are two-way communication goals.

We definitely have two-way communication goals - we're a grassroots-based organization, after all - but there are also times when we just want to get our message out with controlled frames and messaging. That's when we turn to more traditional tools like LTEs, Op-Eds, editorials, press advisories and releases, newsletters, research publications, etc.

Sometime I think we use traditional tools when social media would be more appropriate, like many of our toolkits and guidebooks, but social media adoption doesn't happen over night : )

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