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Mathieu Plourde

A network is valuable when people you need to be connected with use it. Even though my dad has a Facebook account (he's 62), I'm the main reason why he's using it. None of his professional contacts are on Facebook.
We all have a different understanding of what a network is. And unless there is a very formal community structure in a particular network that pushes for one way of networking over another, that communication channel will emerge as needed.
Email is still a pretty efficient way to communicate, and with web archives and RSS, every individual can choose his/her own way of accessing the information. Isn't that what Web 2.0 all about?

Beth Kanter


This is funny - my dad is on facebook too - he's 86. He tried because I helped him. What got him to visit is when I posted a video of his grandchildren on profile. But in the end his reaction was

Mathieu Plourde

Cognitive overload is definitely an issue. Being a pre-digital native post genXer, I have been use to scan through information to find what is relevant to me. I have been exposed to music videos and video games, where you have to absorb what you can, or try again.

Boomers are more used to linear content. An hour-long newscast, a 25 minute documentary, a two hour long movie, a book, a magazine, newspaper... Switching to another mode of information intake has to be overwhelming sometimes.


>>Boomers are more used to linear content. An hour-long newscast, a 25 minute documentary, a two hour long movie, a book, a magazine, newspaper... Switching to another mode of information intake has to be overwhelming sometimes.<<

Oh, please. Boomers are hardly overwhelmed by this. We started using the Internet back when the gen-xers were in high school or grade school. We were using it for work long before you were. We're used to it, we know how to use it, we adapt easily to new stuff. It's just not a big deal.

Anyone who thinks boomers are "old" should go see the Rolling Stones movie!

Rock on....

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