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« Secret Social Media Agent Man: A Guide To Going Under the Radar | Main | Twitter at PBS »


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John Philip Green

Great slide. I've seen social software explained a million ways, but it doesn't get much clearer than that. Was this part of a bigger presentation by Mr. Wilcox?

Will Hull - United Cerebral Palsy National Office  eAdvocacy/eCommunications Coordinator

If you are interested in this topic, I would also highly, highly recommend Margaret "Meg" Brindle and Lisa Mainiero's "Managing Power Through Lateral Networking" available at at

This book describes the ABC Power theory. Essentially you are the A, the person who holds the "socially constructed" power in the way of you getting what you are looking for is B and C is the context of the environment in which you are getting something done. One more variable is X, what you want (is it reputation, to help, etc.). Think of this in a design of a triangle. If you want a more collective voice, look for more A primes that want what you do and if B won't give you what you want, seek a B prime that could also make the decision. Don't loose sight of X or C or you may be in some trouble.

Again, I would highly recommend this book. I read it for a class in grad school last semester. Very easy to understand and easy to follow and Dr. Brindle is a really great professor.


Ashley Schweitzer

Thanks for synthesizing the comments from yesterday. There weren't any comments when I read the original post, and this prompted me to take another look just to see the discussion (which is excellent).

Something I would call out from all of these comments is the importance of treating your colleagues as allies and stakeholders. Just as you can't build a coalition overnight, you won't be able to change the perception of others at your organization with one conversation.
I know that there can be roadblocks. For me, considering why others may have that negative reaction to social media has always been helpful. Then, I work to challenge and change those assumptions through conversations that illustrate the positive impact. Identify what is in it for them -- whether it's the show them money style or a way to attract volunteers -- whatever is the best message. In a nutshell, I think you get buy-in by helping people come to the realization that social media can make their job easier and & help them achieve their long-term goals.

I know all of this may sound obvious. However, in my experience, when others don't see something that seems so very clear, we can get frustrated and forget to consider why there is a disconnect. So, I remind myself to take a step back and try to out myself in their shoes. To check myself and my assumptions, and then meet them where they are, not where I wish they were.

Teresa Crawford

Tip #6...My new can't just talk about have to do it. One of the best things about some of the leaders in our field is that they practice what they preach. They blog, they wiki, they vlog, they Twitter and they talk about the process all along the way and that discussion helps all of us make the case to analog folks about how these tools can be relevant, useful and can break down/rebuild relationships and new ways of doing things.

Now that I am on the inside of an organization and trying to foster the adoption of these tools I am having to make things real by testing the tools out, committing scare time and resources to creating content and drawing into the conversation an ever widening circle of colleagues, partners, consultants.

Just today I had a colleague repurpose some materials we created for internal use, slap a Creative Commons license on them and ship them off to a new partner of ours in South Africa. It was great. Now what other vaults of knowledge and expertise can we open up?

Ameet Deshpande

Dear Beth, that is such a telling slide! It takes the hardwork out of explaining importance of social media and journalism:)

The potential of citizen journalism is indeed enormous. We, at
NGO Post, are using it for bringing
NGO's, nonprofits, volunteer groups and individuals together with the
aim to facilitate social action through information exchange and collaboration.

Hope you'll find articles of interest at NGO Post. Do share your social welfare
related contributions there too!

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