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Stephen Blyth

The Internet Safety Groupt has guides and information organised for different audiences. They've been on the road offering info on safe internet use for almost a decade so their material is pretty authoriative. See:

To reach younger kids (seven and up), you might like to check the hector's world website. Aside from some training tools (including animated videos), you can find downloadable safety. If a child comes across objectionable material the click on the screen blanks out and freeze the computer. It's not until a parent disables it that the computer can be used again. It's very well thought out as it creates an approach around which parents and children can talk about what they find online. See:


I was also at the MN conference. You mentioned web policy from IBM and Easter Seals. I'm wondering if you could repost the link. I've had trouble finding them. Are they on your wiki?

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