During the workshop I did in Minnesota using the Social Media Game, the question - "We're busy implementing programs, how do we carve out the time to incorporate a blog?" The sticky note above is from 15 years ago when I was teaching art teachers about how to incorporate the Internet. The issue of time - how to carve out the time so you can reflect and than integrate new technology into practice - came up.
Some thoughts from other nonprofit professionals via Twitter
Roger Carr - Change priorities - Write posts related to work - write more than post at a sitting and schedule the publishing.
WatfordGap Don't think of it as carving out time, make blogging an integral part of the organization's outreach and marketing.
How timely! I'm doing a "making time for web 2.0" talk next week in DC, and had some of these ideas but not all!
I think the most important ones here are the changed priorities. You really have to 1. want to do it and 2. think of it as integral to add it to your already busy routine.
So - thanks!
Posted by: david lee king | April 04, 2008 at 12:19 PM
I participated in the Social Media Game at MCN's conference in Minnesota, and it's a really great exercise. It helps people think through the array of tools out there, consider how to experiment, and ultimately make informed decisions about how to spend their time. The exercise addresses what I think is one of the biggest hurdles -- figuring out which tools make sense and will help you further your mission and achieve your goals. If you have the right tool(s), it's easier to commit the time because you can see that the blog does not take away from your other programs, it enhances them.
For example, at my organization, Nonprofits Assistance Fund, blogging plays a key role in how we achieve our mission. We help other nonprofits achieve their visions by offering financial support, providing strategic guidance, and encouraging healthy financial practices. The blog is one way we share our insight on financial management issues that affect the nonprofit community in Minnesota and across the country. Kate (my executive director) started it, recognizes its importance, and commits to writing as often as possible (usually once a week). One strategy we have to make the time management a little easier is that some of the work associated with maintaining our blog is part of my job (Marketing), rather than it all being on Kate's plate.
If you want to check out the blog, visit www.nonprofitsassistancefund.org/blog.
Posted by: Ashley Schweitzer | April 04, 2008 at 02:48 PM
For busy nonprofit folks with too many demands and not enough time or money social media doesn't have to be in addition to our regular work. It can take the place of some traditional tasks.
Two examples: Hiring seasonal staff used to be a big hassle for me, I'd send out job ads to partner organizations, call staffing folks and drum up staff. I didn't have the money to post a job ad on a traditional job site. So I found some Facebook groups for my industry, joined them and posted our job there. Quick response from great folks (who incidentally I can pre-screen before I respond by checking out their profile).
Parent communications used to be several packed letters with forms to fill out, lists of things they should bring and details details details to remember. Then came the follow up calls and emails. Instead of this we now keep all the information on our blog including downloads, links, pictures etc. While we still have parent calls we always end with - 'and find out more on the blog.' Parents love that we will answer their questions and we've also set up a resources for them.
I think this adoption strategy is key to win over key stakeholders - when folks see how helpful this new media is to traditional tasks then folks are more willing to trust it and branch out into other areas.
Great dialog! Thanks as always, Beth!
Posted by: Hans | April 04, 2008 at 05:26 PM
In the advanced age of technology, internet and, to a certain extent, blogs are integral parts and ways of life. But importantly, they are the ways of the future. As a result, being able to use internet and blogging is very resourceful indeed.
Posted by: khmerization | April 05, 2008 at 04:58 AM
Hi beth, it does need time indeed. I think it is important not to underestimate it, and start when you have relatively more time available. (if you never have time, you have to rethink the way you are working I believe.). Once you are in the habit, it becomes more of a routine thing, and it will not drop. If you don't have enough time in the beginning, you're set for failure I believe. Another option is to share the burden and rotate.
Posted by: joitske | April 06, 2008 at 02:18 AM
There are loads of altenative ways to think of time spent - but try this one:
Where you find the time depends on why you might blog. I know from my own experience with non-profits that too little time is taken to think about the future, understand the way the world is changing, refine new ideas, even build relationships with the right partners.
Blogging can help you do all of these and using blogging to that end should improve your strategic thinking.
Just make sure the people who blog will benefit from blogging in the work they do. Don't think of it simply as something your comms person might do.
Posted by: Nick Booth | April 06, 2008 at 06:18 AM
Hi Beth,
Great point--I'd add that participation in a number of social media activities fits well within the experiential learning cycle.
A lot of potential learning is lost because we don't take the time to reflect on our actions (What happened?), make meaning of them (What worked well, what didn't, and why?)and apply those lessons in an intentional way (What should I do more of/less of/differently in the future?).
For me, blogging in particular compels me to reflect on my experiences, and in a setting that invites public dialogue that helps me better understand those experiences (and helps others better understand me). It is a meaningful investment of time--but the return on that investment has been huge.
Posted by: Ed Batista | April 06, 2008 at 08:43 AM
Beth, I think your post-it notes should be on a billboard!
Reflection doesn't seem to be highly valued in our culture -- and I believe that using a blog as a means of reflection is valuable to the individual and the organization.
Another reason I blog ... WiredPen has become my electronic 3x5 card ... in other words, an extension of my memory. If I blog an article or idea, I'm more likely to be able to retrieve it later. Thus, blogging can be seen as a long term investment that saves time!
Posted by: kathy gill | April 09, 2008 at 01:01 PM
Anne: Great reflection on blogging. I call my blog my back up brain!
Posted by: Beth Kanter | April 09, 2008 at 08:41 PM