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« My Dinner with CPSquared Colleagues and Connected Futures: New Social Strategies and Tools for Communities of Practice | Main | Nonprofit Blogging and Social Networking Policies: Examples? »


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Kevin Conroy

The Google widget builder is great if you just want a Google gadget. I don't know that it's Google's responsibility to build a complete end-to-end solution for non-profit widgets. There are plenty of other great services out there for non-profits, including my latest favorite Clearspring.

And Marshall's criticism about Google App Engine providing scaling for profit orgs is off base. Google App Engine provides scaling for anyone that signs up for it, profit or non-profit alike. Just because the widget offerings don't provide the same level of scaling doesn't mean that they're giving non-profits a bad deal. Just means that their widget offerings aren't necessarily ready for prime time.

I'm not saying that the Google widget builder is great - it has plenty of limitations. I just don't think that Google is trying to stiff non-profits. Seems like they're just playing catch up in the market and haven't gotten to first-in-class yet.

Kevin Conroy

And I wonder why Donna's picture is showing up next to my e-mail. Weird!

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